Why Do All Men See Life And The World Differently?
Why Is There Virtually No Agreement Among Countless Opinions?
Why Do Men Read The Same Scriptures, And Each Derives A Totally Different Meaning?
In the allegorical account of the Tower of Babel (see Tower Of Babel), we are presented with the dilemma that everyone not only sees the world from a different perspective, but speaks a language that others do not understand. The enigma that is presented in the Tower of Babel Syndrome is seen in the reality that "‘If as one people speaking the same language ...then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them’” (Gen 11:1-7 NIV). But to even begin to understand the human condition where virtually every person perceives and understands from a different perspective -- i.e.,"...Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other’” (Gen 11:1-7 NIV) -- in order to achieve the state of Oneness and Wholeness, you must first understand the Enigma Of The Segmented Mind. (quoting from this link):
When the American Constitutional Framers acknowledged The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God, one of the elements of Natural Law is seen in the fact that the Laws MUST manifest and maintain WHOLENESS!!! But what constitutes Wholeness? While it can be said that an amoeba is whole or one, the same can also be said of man. Yet, wholeness from the perspective of an amoeba, is very different than wholeness from the perspective of man whose mind is comprised of an infinite number of neurons and an associated field of virtually countless dendrites which monitor and control every aspect of our being -- some of which are only vaguely understood even today. Thus, where wholeness is very simple as in the example of the amoeba, intelligence is virtually non-existent. And while both the human and the amoeba both represent a single whole unit, wholeness from a human perspective is very complex -- more complex than is even understood by medical experts today -- but it is this very complexity of the mind that enables man to harness an intellect that cannot be achieved in the animal kingdom.
Holographically, the Laws of Nature must maintain balance across the spectrum of Mind that is manifest on a Cosmic scale (see The Enigma Of The Twelve - And The Tree Of Life). At conception, each person begins their journey into life as a single-cell embryo -- i.e., a type of an amoeba with a greater potential. But herein lies the problem: Since each person as a one cell embryo can only represent one single point of consciousness within the greater pattern of mind as portrayed in the Tree of Life -- then unless that person consciously intervenes in an endeavor to overcome their natural limitations, all that each person sees and perceives throughout their lives, is from the perspective of that single point of consciousness. Since I have already demonstrated in the foregoing that many important original Gospel teachings were removed, let me set before the reader a quotation that has been preserved in what is known as The Gospel Of The Nazirenes where the great diversity of thought among men is explained in the words: "The One truth has many sides, and one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them. Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of light, and one regards one face, and another, another, but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all."
What is being stated is that while Truth exists on a higher spiritual plane -- in the same way that when Light is projected through a prism, it is seen as the seven colors which we see and observe in this world. And those who understand the relationship of color and sound within the spectrum of the Law of Octaves, will recognize the use of the twelve segments of a Single Truth when manifest in this world. With the problem being that while Higher Truths can exist on a Higher Plane of Existence, it is impossible to project Higher Truth into this three-dimensional physical world. Therefore, the analogy is made as representing a Single Truth that is projected through a crystal, and "...how the one light is manifest in twelve faces". But holographically, because each fragment retains the pattern of the whole, each of these fragments are themselves divided into twelve -- as represented in the words: "...yea four times twelve" -- which means that the perspective of what each person sees is further fragmented across the Spectrum of Laws that MUST maintain Wholeness.
What is the ramifications? If, you divide the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life across the spectrum of humanity in the outer world, then each person is representative of 1/144,000th of the whole. Which means that each person who begins their existence as a one-celled human-amoeba, can only represent 1/144,000th of the Whole. And when you take into account the three-dimensional aspects of this world in relation to The Divine Pattern Of Creation as represented in the Spiritual Doctrine of the Trinity -- and the reality that True Wholeness can only be achieved when the Three Exist At-One -- this reality opens a whole new dimension to the paradox of Wholeness. What is not at all understood is that the soul of man is asexual -- i.e., but not asexual in the meaning of the absence of polarity in the negative sense -- but rather, the negation of the polarities through their evolved Fullness and Absolute Balance as portrayed in the 22nd saying of the Gospel of Thomas in the words: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female...".
The soul and true self of man which -- in its Natural Form is a Being of Light (see SoulSelf.org ) -- is a positive and absolute balance of male/female and the third-force Manifestation of Higher Mind and Being. What this means is that while the higher soul-self can manifest in this elevated state of being which I portray as the Realm Of Souls because it is not limited to the three dimensions of this physical world, it is impossible for the soul to manifest in a one-cell human amoebic-embryo. Whereby, when projected into this world, not only is the soul subject to the limitations of the Natural Laws which require Wholeness across the spectrum of the 144,000, but also divided across the gender-divide. Which means that when you further divide the one cell embryo across gender lines, that makes each man or woman half of this apportionment. Which is why in the above Gospel of Thomas teaching on when the Kingdom would come, not only must there be a positive-evolved balance of male/female within the Trinitarian Divine Pattern -- i.e., "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female..." -- but Jesus states that unless you achieve the next stages of birth through this process of Evolved-Oneness which is able to achieve the necessary Wholeness, you cannot bring about the state of Wholeness within your mind and being that enables the person you are in this world to be united to your higher soul-self -- and ultimately, to the Indwelling Logos and Creator-God as a Fully Evolved Being of Light.
When the biblical authors write and warn that man's higher soul-reality and the Kingdom is incomprehensible to the "natural" mind of organic man (see The Second Fatal Mistake), it is because Truth can only exist at a soul-level of mind and being where the twelve faces of the crystal are manifest in the One Truth -- and ultimately, at the Logos Level of Reality (see Logos). What this means from a holographic perspective, is that in the same way that our physical bodies were formed from the joining and union of the sperm and ovum of our mother and father, when we were born into this world that was only the First Phase of Birth -- and having entered this world as male or female, we exist as a Cosmic Ovum And Sperm (see The Trinity And The Divine Pattern Of Creation). And from the perspective of our un-manifested higher soul and spiritual reality, this realm can be portrayed as the mental-womb of Mother-God that is the necessary environment to bring about the next stage of birth which enables us to manifest out Eternal Soul-Self in the body-vessel -- as portrayed in another version of the above quotation from the Gospel of Thomas that has been preserved in the Second Epistle Of Clement where Jesus is quoted with respect to the teachings on the coming of the Kingdom in the words: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’” .
A truly enlightened Spiritually Mature seeker who understood what is often portrayed as the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, would begin to grasp the reality that, BY DESIGN, there can never be unity in the outer world, because the Laws MUST maintain Wholeness -- and the primary cell that formed you as an embryo could only be imbued with 1/144,000th part of the Whole. And since each of the twelve spheres of mind perceive and understand the world from a different and often opposite paradoxical perspective, then what you have is the embodiment of the allegorical Tower of Babel Syndrome that fragments the thinking and perception of all of mankind -- resulting in the great conflict of thought that we can easily observe in the world. Thus, based upon this higher reality, if we pose the question: What makes you perceive and understand the world differently from others? The vastly different perceptions are in fact hard-wired into each person's thinking -- each person possessing a piece of the enigmatic puzzle -- and together, making a whole.
The Pattern Of Mind And Being: After eating the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality (aka Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil), the statement was made in the allegorical account of Genesis: "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" (Gen 3:22-23). Thus, the objective of life is to become nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life -- i.e., "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7). And respecting the Tree of Life it is written: "Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations" (Rev 22:1-2). With the final statement pertaining to the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Life in order to gain entrance to what is often portrayed as Spiritual Jerusalem in the words: "Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates" (Rev 22:14).
When rightly understood, what is portrayed in the diagram of the Twelve Sphere Tree of Life at the right, is the Pattern of Mind. But to be nourished by the twelve fruits, one must first achieve a condition of Wholeness. In the above the comparison is made between the amoeba and man -- wherein, while both can be seen as ONE, it must be understood that the consciousness of man would be extremely complex in comparison to that of the amoeba. And it is the inner divisions of the mind of man that is responsible for this high-level complexity that elevates man above all the rest of the creatures of the earth. But, this high-level complexity of the mind of man is built upon both the Holographic Divine Pattern, as well as the great diversity of mind presented when the Tower of Babel Syndrome is rightly understood.
The great diversity of human thought is achieved through the Law of Opposites. Not only is each of the outer columns opposite from each other -- as well as the upper and the lower being opposites -- but holographically, the pattern of the twelve is replicated and exists within each of the twelve -- down to what the scriptures portray as the basic of human consciousness as represented in the number 144,000. And from the perspective of the Cosmic Mind of the Macrocosm, this means that each person who can be portrayed as a Neuron in the Mind of God, is in fact 1/144,000th of the whole -- and in accord with their position within the spectrum of the Pattern of Mind as represented in the Tree of Life, each person is of a unique fragmented vision and understanding of the whole as set forth in the Tower of Babel Syndrome. And when you further divide this individual state of consciousness across the spectrum of gender, what you are left with is the virtually countless opinions and perceptions of man's reality that are all fragmentary and incomplete at best.
The Positive Attribute Of A Holographic Reality: While the negative equation a holographic reality imbues the person with the illusion that they perceive the complete picture, on the positive side of the equation is the reality that what you observe in the pattern from a physical perspective, is also on the level of mind, soul and spirit. Which provides an enlightened understanding of the teaching in the Gospel of Thomas which states: Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..." If you can imagine for a moment being on a tour of a Great Cosmic Mind -- wherein, each minute process is expanded and manifested so as to enable it to be closely examined -- and like "the forest for the trees", requires you to take a giant leap back in order to begin to perceive the Whole -- then from a holographic perspective, what you are seeing in the world are all the fragmentary processes that make up your own consciousness, mind and being. Therefore, all that you perceive and observe in the outer world, is in fact a fragment and pattern of your own mind and being. All the other people in the outer world are in fact reflecting back to you an aspect of self that you are perceiving from the perspective of the 1/144,000th point within the whole that you were imbued with when you existed as a one-cell embryo at conception.
Enlightenment Begins With The Process Of Understanding What You See: When you began your journey in this life both the sperm and ovum had to split, in order to become joined to their opposite polarity -- creating the embryo that was comprised of half the genetics of your mother and father. While in the womb of your mother the embryo grew through the process of the primary cell splitting and expanding, and forming the body of the fetus. And only when the fetus had matured enough to support life out of the womb, was it born into this world. But our true self who is our higher soul-self is not imbued with the duality of male or female -- and yet, these male/female polarities are held in balance which enable the soul of each person to be manifest as a Being Of Light. And from a holographic perspective, what this means is that when we were born into this world as male or female, what we were in fact is the next level of Cosmic Ovum Or Sperm (see The Cosmic Ovum And Sperm). And in the same way that in accord with the holographic pattern of Creation the divided ovum and sperm of one's mother and father had to be joined together to bring about the embryo that would expand and manifest the physical body which would serve as our vessel in this world, our own expansion of mind and being can only be brought about with the joining of our opposite male or female polarity. Which means that we are presently dwelling in what can be portrayed as The Womb Of Mother-Earth.
In the Gospel account of when Jesus came to Nicodemus and proclaimed to him that one must be "born again" to enter the Kingdom of God, the enigma that is presented is the reality that one cannot bring about the process of birth apart from the joining of male and female. And this fact of reality is confirmed in the 22nd saying of the Gospel of Thomas in the words: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female...". Which provokes the age old question: Exactly what does it mean to make the male/female, husband/wife, one flesh? The Gospel states: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh" (Mark 10:7-8). But in the same way the embryo that is formed from the ovum and sperm must evolve and expand into a living physical vehicle, the embryo that is formed through the union of husband and wife must in the same way evolve into a vehicle on the next plane of man's higher reality. Much as portrayed in the image on the right. And while this process is the bases of all Alchemy and Mysticism, it is well within the construct of modern physics to prove the reality of the Divine Pattern as holographically represented in the microcosm of mankind.
In the parable of the the two sons, the younger son who is often portrayed as the prodigal son, travels into the Far Country and squanders away his (divine) inheritance in what is portrayed as "riotous living". Which causes him to fall under the control of what is portrayed as the Citizen of the Far Country -- which is often portrayed as the god or ruler of this world. But what exactly is this inheritance that is being squandered away? In the mysticism of Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, and Gurdjieff, all organic life exudes bio-energy or vital life-force. In the same way that a plant in the process of photosynthesis, exudes oxygen that is then breathed in and utilized by all organic animal life, mankind exudes bio-energy that is then utilized by the organic life of this world as a form of nourishment. And in the same that in accord with the pattern of Creation, a multitude of sperm or ovum cannot join and form an embryo, it is the interaction of the male chromosomes with the female chromosomes within the joined embryo that cause it to expand and create from itself a fetus within the womb of the mother. And what this means on the next level of man's holographic reality, is that when the male and female are joined and made what the scriptures portray as "one flesh", that the bio-energy of man and woman interact within the union to initiate and bring about the process of expansion of mind and being. And it is this condition of absolute balance of man and woman and the positive and negative polarities of Creation that is the basis of the symbol of the Yin and Yang.
Spiritual Alchemy which is the transformation of the physical into the spiritual, is dependent upon the philosopher's stone which is feminine -- and it is the Union and Oneness of the male and female that is the basis of Higher Consciousness. But on a cosmic level, it is the interaction of positive/negative as personified in male/female that enables the man and woman not to expel their natural bio-energy off into nature, and instead channel the vital life-force that is portrayed as man's divine inheritance, into the alchemical process of the expansion of mind and being that was an integral part of the original Gospel teachings as presented in the article in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism, where it reads: “Although the essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the transcendent, mysticism in the history of Christianity should not be understood merely in terms of special ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious process lived out within the context of the Christian community. From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” (see The Heightening And Expansion Of Mind).
In the subheading Gender-Blindness And The Process Of Birth, I quote the book Active Consciousness - Awakening The Power Within, by Amy L. Lansky, where it is stated that: "Biologist Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance also depends upon similarity in vibration. Members of the same species, being 'on the same wavelength,' are able to tap into information that pertains uniquely to them. And while members of an entire species might be able to tune into a fairly broad spectrum of frequencies (think of Carl Jung's notion of the collective unconscious that humans supposedly tap into), smaller, more tightly connected groups -- such as members of the same family or loving couples -- resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they have access to their own "private frequency.' In fact, Sheldrake goes even further and suggests that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates. Instead of being stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in the morphic field. Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios tuning to their own private stations."
In the diagram on the left, we see the aura-field that encompasses both the man and woman individually, as well as forming the morphic field that has the capacity to manifest and join the two halves in Oneness. In the diagram on the right we see a pictorial representation of the merger of the bio-energy that when joined, is no longer lost into nature -- but rather, is channeled within the dynamics of the union. In the subheading entitled The Merger Of Opposites Into One, I demonstrate where the impressions generated by an evolving man and woman are in fact the food portrayed by Gurdjieff who built upon the foundation of Pythagoras and the esoteric Gospel teachings, to demonstrate that it is the merger of the opposite polarity male/female impressions that brings about the expansion of mind and being within the morphic field of the seeker/disciple.
We must then pose the question: While male and female unions are as common as man and woman, why don't these unions initiate the next stage of birth which the mystics make reference to? Because the union must not be limited to the physical -- but rather, the dynamic interaction of mind and spirit in a state of absolute harmony that is able to raise the two up to a higher level of being. Thus, together they must seek to Know Self -- i.e., their true self -- while seeking Truth and the Inner Kingdom. Why? The answer is rather simple -- quoting from the subheading The Intuitive Mind Vs The Linear-Rational: In the introduction to the book Secrets of Mary Magdalene, Prof. Elain Pageles writes and quotes the Gospel of Philip: Simultaneously, the Gospel of Philip celebrates Mary Magdalene as manifesting the divine spirit, which this gospel calls the “virgin who came down” from heaven. When Christians spoke of Jesus “born from a virgin,” this author agrees—but refuses to take it literally. So some people, he says, take this literally to mean that Jesus’ mother became pregnant apart from any man, apart from sexual intercourse. But this, he says, is the “faith of fools” who fail to comprehend spiritual matters (although, as we note, it can be seen in the birth narratives offered in the New Testament gospels of Matthew and Luke). Instead, continues the Gospel of Philip, Jesus was born physically, just as all humans, as the son of biological parents. The difference, says the author of this gospel, that he was also “born again” in baptism--born spiritually to become the son of the Father above, and of the heavenly Mother, the Holy Spirit. That one of the primary objectives of this life is to bring about and achieve the next stage of birth -- a non-physical birth which is allegorically portrayed as a Virgin Birth -- should be of primary importance to all people.
In the same way that Peter as representing the (male) linear-rational spheres of mind states of the intuitive visions and wisdom of Mary Magdalene: "...These are certainly strange ideas", it is a fact that it is the lopsided development of what Einstein portrayed as the linear-rational servant that inhibits the development of the intuitive-gift -- i.e., as seen in Einstein's statement that “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Without the balanced development of the intuitive, the linear-rational which only senses outwardly, arrives as a point where it becomes what can be portrayed as flat-lined -- which in turn inhibits the further development of the linear rational servant from itself maturing beyond organic limitations. And herein lies the great obstacle to human development that linear-intellectuals don't at all understand -- i.e., the reality that the linear programming of the mind which is the agenda of our educational systems -- including the reading of books and traditional study -- only serves to inhibit the development of the intuitive spheres of mind -- and it is the lack of balance between the inward looking intuitive and the outward looking linear-rational that inhibits the development of the mind beyond a certain very shallow organic physical level of maturity. Further, what we are presented with are a number of paradoxes that have confronted man since he first stepped foot on the earth. Thus, these proverbial questions must be confronted: Is the mind of a child empty? Or, does a great source of knowledge already exist within the mind of the child that must be tapped into? Do you instruct a child through rote programming in the manner of our educational systems today? Or do you guide the child into an environment of self-discovery?
The problem is seen in the fact that the linear-rational servant can only look outwardly -- and not only remains totally ignorant of an inner reality that it is blind to -- but it demands that all of mankind ignore and even reject the higher causal reality that can only be sensed and understood through the development of the intuitive centers of mind. Like the tip of the proverbial iceberg, what is observed protruding out of the water is very small in relation to the immense body of ice that is beyond man's normal scope of vision lying beneath the water line. And because our culture and linear learning environment actually inhibits the development of the intuitive, it remains atrophied and latently embryonic and immature. This is seen in the fact that when the leaders of the Jews (Pharisees) asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come upon the earth in the manner that they believed it would, he told them that it would never come upon the earth so as to be seen with their eyes (that look outwardly), because the Kingdom already exists within them (see http://GateOfEden.com ) -- and it is accessed through the development of the intuitive spheres of mind that are positioned to look inwardly -- which then must be balanced with the outward looking rational linear.
The proper development of the mind to eclipse what can be called organic human limitations, is dependent upon the interaction of the linear and intuitive spheres of mind. But when the intuitive perception is inhibited, and development is suppressed, even the linear is flat-lined from any development beyond what is portrayed in the Gospels as carnal and restricted consciousness. The linear mind of man remains limited in its development, because the intuitive remains infantile and shackled in a captive environment where it is only permitted to express itself in linear terms. While the inward looking intuitive has the potential to access higher consciousness and states of mind and being, it is unable to arise to its intended potential because of the shackles placed upon it by a thoroughly domineering and controlling linear culture. Like a woman who in many Islamic cultures are forced to dwell in an imprisoned world beneath a Burka -- not permitted to openly express herself except when accompanied by a male relative -- totally deprived of the ability to openly speak on her own behalf -- the natural expression of the intuitive mind has been so impeded by our linear-driven culture, that it has remained undeveloped and unreliable as a resource (see Opening And Unlocking the Mind). Because the male-linear as portrayed as the portrayal of Peter takes the position that "...These are certainly strange ideas", when the perceptions of the feminine-intuitive is encountered, the merger of impressions can never be brought about -- thus, flat-lining the union at a very low-self carnal perception of man's true reality.