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District Court – State Of North Carolina

Traffic Court, Graham, County Of Alamance


The People Of The State Of North Carolina

Alamance County Traffic District Court                                                   NOTICE OF



- Against -                                                                                                         SUMMONS NO

Emmanuel Paul Joel Pohoreski                                                                                5783354-8




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that on the within affidavit of Emmanuel Paul Joel Pohoreski, affirmed and witnessed to on the 12th day of July, 2011, and upon all the proceedings heretofore had herein, the undersigned Motion and Supporting Affidavit to Dismiss will move this court at the courthouse located at the County Courthouse in Graham, Superior Court Alamance County 27253, on the 21st day of July, 2011, at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as can be heard for an Order of Dismissal of the within Summons of No Seat Belts.

In accordance with the Original Teachings that have been restored in the incarnation of the person historically known as James the Just/Righeous in the present life of Allan Cronshaw Jr. whose own Motion and Affidavit for Dismissal is hereby affixed as Exhibit #1 -- wherein the North Carolina law requiring the wearing of a seat belt is UnConstitutional because (1) it does not contain a religious exemption; (2) requires people to live in accord with the quasi-religious doctrines of Secular-Humanism which is based upon an anti-Biblical Darwinist philosophy and mindset that inhibits the free exercise of Spiritually-Based religions; (3) thereby forcing the defendant into a state-sanctioned role where he must observe and put into practice these quasi-religious practices instituted and enforced by government, the tenets of which he totally rejects; (4) and as a hostile non-believer, the state requires the defendant to adhere to an anti-Biblical mindset and Atheistically based quasi-religious philosophy that has not only been proven counterfeit by modern science, but requires the denial of fundamental religious spiritual beliefs, knowledge and the rejection of the Will of God.

Existing Exemptions Of Law: Of interest is the fact that there are already exemptions that exist within the construct of the law, which include “Persons with a certified phobia of seat belts; Persons tending to a child's personal needs; Situations where all seating positions equipped with seat belts are occupied” If these exemptions already exist that are not Constitutionally protected by the First Amendment, then they cannot be seen as a higher order that the practice of one's religion. Further, with respect to the safeguarding of the physical self, it is of further note that North Carolina law permits people not only to ride in the open bed of a pick-up truck, but also permits children under the age of twelve “If an adult is present in the bed or cargo area of the vehicle and is supervising the child” . An Internet search on children riding in the back of a pickup truck provides factual statistics of alarm. Quoting one article: “Any pickup passenger is better protected when riding in the cab of the truck than when riding in the bed” ( Read more: Child Safety in Pickup Trucks | ) Which means that if there existed any consistency in the laws, a child in an open bed would be required to wear an approved motorcycle helmet. Again, none of these exemptions to the existing law have a claim of a higher order than that of First Amendment Protection.

QUESTION OF LAW: The question of law that has been set before this court by virtue of this motion and any and all hearings that may proceed in this matter, has already been ruled upon in Fowler vs. Rhode Island when the Court found that it is "no business of the courts...” or for any secular authority, "to say what is a religious practice or activity...” (Fowler vs. Rhode Island 345 U.S. 67 [1953]).

Black's Law Dictionary defines Religious Freedom as: "Within Constitution embraces not only the right to worship GOD according to the dictates of one's conscience, but also the right to do, or forbearing of which is not inimical to the peace, good order, and morals of society."

So the ONLY question set before this court must be limited to whether my refusal to wear a seat belt is “inimical to the peace, good order, and morals of society”, and whether the practice of my religion which rejects the competing quasi-religious tenets of Secular-Humanism – which is founded upon a mindset and Atheist philosophy that rejects the Biblical teaching on Divine Providence, and therefore requires the wearing of a seat belt – which means that because of the protection of religious practices and beliefs, the prosecuting attorney must demonstrate that my not wearing a seat belt will bring harm to a person in another car in the event of a collision.

Allan Cronshaw is an Ordained Clergy and leader of the world-wide Ebionite Nazirene Restoration Movement (see ). While I have known Allan Cronshaw over the course of many lifetimes, the focus of the attached affidavit will be on that life when Allan was known as the historical Jacob/James who was known as the brother of Yeshua/Jesus, and also the observations of my own life with Allan when we were a part of the group of souls who entered into life in order to inaugurate our Constitutional form of government at the time of the Revolution (see attached affidavit). And it is because the founding documents which openly acknowledge that all people possess Unalienable God-Given Rights, makes this nation the only legitimate government on the face of the earth. And in this vein, with respect to the request for a religious exemption from the North Carolina seat belt law, it is my position that the issue has already been settled in Thomas v Review Board 450 U.S. 707, (1981), where Chief Justice Burger admonished: "Courts should not undertake to dissect religious beliefs... One can, of course, imagine an asserted claim so bazaar so clearly non-religious in motivation, as not to be entitled to protection under the free exercise clause: but that is not the case here, and the guarantee of free exercise is not limited to beliefs which are shared by all members of a religious sect. The courts are not arbiters of scriptural interpretation…. The essence of law that has been set and written on the subject is that only those interests of the highest order... can overbalance legitimate claims to the free exercise of religion” (Thomas vs Review Board 450 US 707, 718 (1981) accord, Wisconsin vs. Yoder, 406 US 205, 215 [1972]; Sherbert vs Verner, 374 US 393, 406 [1963])

In recognizing that the laws of any municipality or state is the product of the thinking of those who have enacted these laws, it is asserted that the present North Carolina seat belt law is founded upon a Darwinist mindset, which has evolved into the tenets of a competing secular progressive religious world-view known as Secular Humanism -- and as such constitutes the embodiment of a quasi-religious mindset that I not only do not ascribe to, but constitutes the forced practice of a religion that is not my own. For at its essence, all religion is a mindset and system of beliefs that are put into practice and acted upon. And in the same way that the U.S. Military has been forced to provide non-traditional clergy who are Pagan and who ascribe to a variety of other earth religions, the religion of Secular Humanism is founded upon the Darwinist theories and Atheistic mindset which attempts to explain competing and alternate doctrines of (religious) belief which are normally addressed through more traditional religious doctrines. Thus, the Court has already ruled that religion may be any "sincere and meaningful belief which occupies a place in the believer's life parallel to that filled by orthodox belief in God" (Welch vs. United States 398 U.S. 333 [1970]; United States vs. Seeger 380 U.S. 163, 166 [1965]. Secular Humanists are therefore sincere in their position that they can explain the tenets of a traditional belief in God and religion, from a purely natural perspective. And while Secular Humanism attempts to portray itself as being based upon intellectual (linear) reasoning and scientific fact, I will demonstrate the counterfeit reality of this assertion -- with just the opposite being true in the absolute rejection of modern science.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that as an Ebionite Nazirene, I ascribe to the restored original teachings of Yeshua/Jesus as set forth by Allan Cronshaw who is an Ordained Clergy of the World Wide Nazirene and Ebionite Restoration Movement (see ); in a previous lifetime he lived as Jacob who is known as James, the brother of Yeshua who is known as Jesus (see , and he held the position as the first and primary leader of the religion which has come to be known today as Christianity. Quoting from The Witness Of The Disciples (see ): It was written as a forewarning that Satan would rise up against the Church, and divert it from its spiritual path as TheWay.   In the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas it is written: (12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being."  And this warning is further stated in the writings known today as the Clementine Recognitions where it is written: "Our Lord and Prophet, who hath sent us, declared to us that the wicked one, having disputed with Him forty days, and having prevailed nothing against Him, promised that he would send apostles from amongst his subjects, to deceive.  Wherefore, above all, remember to shun apostle or teacher or prophet who does not first accurately compare his preaching with that of James, who was called the brother of my Lord, and to whom was entrusted to administer the church of the Hebrews in Jerusalem, — and that even though he come to you with witnesses: lest the wickedness which disputed forty days with the Lord, and prevailed nothing, should afterwards, like lightning falling from heaven upon the earth, send a preacher to your injury, as now he has sent Simon upon us, preaching, under pretense of the truth, in the name of the Lord, and sowing error. Wherefore He who hath sent us, said, ‘Many shall come to me in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them.’" 

PLEASE TAKE FUTHER NOTICE, that answering affidavits by the County Attorney are to be properly served upon the defendant at least 12 days prior to any hearings in this matter.

DATED: July 12th, 2011

Graham, NC Yours,

To: County District Attorney                                                                     Emmanuel Paul Joel Pohoreski.

Pat Nadolski, DA                                                                                     PO Box 780

212 West Elm St. Rm 210                                                                         Graham, NC 27253

Graham, NC 27253






District Court – State Of North Carolina

Traffic Court, Graham, County Of Alamance


The People Of The State Of North Carolina

Alamance County Traffic District Court                                                 AFFIDAVIT


- Against -                                                                                         SUMMONS NO

Emmanuel Paul Joel Pohoreski                                                                 5783353-X




) ss.:


Emmanuel Paul Joel Pohoreski, duly affirms, deposes and states, that I am the defendant in the above captioned action; I am fully familiar with the events and circumstances; and I make this affidavit in support of my Motion to dismiss the above summons.

Please Note: This Motion and Affidavit will be uploaded to the World Wide Web at the address -- and will have all links active to all supporting resources that will be made reference to in this affidavit.

  1. While the legal and spiritual positions for this motion for a dismissal is presented in the moving papers of Allan Cronshaw Jr. and his attached affidavit (see Exhibit 1), I have undertaken to compose this affidavit in order to witness and express my personal knowledge of the workings of the Laws (of Creation) as set forth in the Bible, and the Divine Providence which the scriptures present as moving all events in this world in accord with the Laws of Creation, Laws of Nature and Natures God. That by way of Motion, the matter was set before the court raising the subject of the Constitutionality of the North Carolina seat belt law on the grounds that it does not contain a religious exemption.

  2. That notice was made that the North Carolina seat belt law is founded upon the mindset and thinking associated with the religion of Secular Humanism which attempts to explain the tenets of traditional religion from a non-spiritual system of quasi-scientific beliefs -- and in effect is a total denial of the Biblical mindset associated with both traditional faith-based and spiritually evolved Mystical/Gnostic systems of religious belief and practice.

  3.   For the purpose of summarizing my knowledge of the soul who is presently living the life of Allan Cronshaw, I personally knew Allan Cronshaw when he lived in and about the area of Jerusalem in the first century as Jacob (see Jacob & Yeshua) who they call James, and he was known as the Brother of Yeshua who they call Jesus. Myself and others, along with Jacob/James and Yeshua/Jesus, entered that life as a group, in order to free mankind from the ignorance of this world, and to blaze a path for all the lost prodigal sons and daughters to return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination (see ). It was my understanding that the soul who lived as Yeshua/Jesus went onward as the first prodigal son to return to the Kingdom of the Father, in order to open the path up for the rest of mankind to follow therein. It is also my understanding that the soul of Jacob/James remained behind, in order to act as a shepherd of guide for the brotherhood of mankind. And as such, I have known the soul who is presently living as Allan Cronshaw, over the course of countless lifetimes wherein he remained a servant and shepherd of TheWay, assisting our brothers and sisters to embrace the process of seeking to enter the Inner Kingdom.

  4. Based upon my knowledge and experiences as a soul who has lived both with Allan Cronshaw, as well as others of the original Disciples of TheWay, it has been divinely revealed and shown to me that it is the Laws of God that direct the paths and lives of every individual in all of Creation. And the manner in which the Laws of God through Divine Providence orchestrates the lives of all mankind, is best expressed in the words Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal 6:7-8 NIV). What this means is that every single person's station in life with respect to the conditions and circumstances of the life they are presently living – as well as the events which they experience in any given life – are the direct result of their own past actions and accomplishments. And it is from each man's own past actions that the scriptures are fulfilled in the words: “A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps” (Prov 16:9 NKJV). And in understanding the relationship between each person's past actions, to their present station in life, the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen explained that “...consequently every vessel [person], according to the measure of its purity or impurity, received a place, or region, or condition by birth, or an office to discharge, in this world ...that the cause of each one's actions is a pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel [person] has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor.” (see ).

  5. This reality of life is not understood by the mainstream of Christians today, because important biblical teachings were both corrupted and removed from the scriptures (see ) by the emperors of pagan Rome who ruled over the dogma of the Church. In the original teachings prior to being corrupted, it was taught that the life that a person is living in the present has been orchestrated by their own previous actions, as presented in the words of the early Church Father Origen who acknowledges that Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis). And the factual evidence that these teachings were an integral part of the original Gospel teachings is proven and explored in the article The Ten Reasons Why Christians Reject The Teaching On The Pre-Existent Soul at .

  6. What this means is that sincere seekers of Truth and TheWay were never abandoned and left under the control of the Church of Rome which has often been portrayed as the Church of the AntiChrist (see ). And that both Divine Providence and the Laws of God which orchestrate all events in the life of mankind, directed the steps of sincere seekers to Jacob/James and the other true disciples of TheWay, while keeping those who were not themselves sincere seekers of Truth under a cloak of ignorance which the Gospels portray as the “outer darkness” of mind and being (see ).

  7. The reality of Divine Providence is presented throughout the scriptures, and especially in the words: A man's steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way?” (Prov 20:24 NIV). The steps of each and every man is directed in accord with each persons previous lives and actions in accord with the words: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

  8. Over the course of many lifetimes since the fourth century, the Law of God and Divine Providence not only directed which lives I would live -- the conditions of those lives that I lived -- the person who I was supposed to marry in each and every life -- even the race, gender and political/religious leanings of those lives -- but also the events that transpired within each of the lifetimes. And while each and every life was orchestrated by the Laws of Divine Providence, the learning experiences of each life was directly in accord with what the Church Father Origen wrote in the words: Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life”.

  9. Of primary interest to the legal matter at hand, is the fact that this nation was brought about through the labors of Spiritually Advanced souls who entered this life in the 18th century in order to fulfill the Laws and bring about a government environment which has been responsible for what often is portrayed as American Exceptionalism -- and the Laws in conjunction with the work of these highly advanced spiritual souls (see ), was able to manifest the necessary environment for the original spiritual teachings of TheWay to be restored as accomplished in the writings of Allan Cronshaw -- which writings in conjunction with our Constitutional Environment that is founded upon God-Given UnAlienable Rights, has the potential to bring about a more enlightened age where man can once again walk with and know God on a much greater scale then in the past.

  10. The problem is that in the same way that the forces of this world opposed Yeshua/Jesus, and have sought to suppress and stamp out the original spiritual truths of TheWay by raising up an impostor Church (see ), our Constitutional framework of government is at present being opposed by these same satanic forces which are moving American apostates to the Constitution, to deny the American people these fundamental God-Given Rights, by promising the most carnally-minded people government giveaways that have become a looming financial and spiritual burden for the honest people of the nation.

  11. When Thomas Paine stirred the patriots into action with the words, These are the times that try men's souls, these same God-Given Rights are under attack once again in our present time. And while myself, the soul who is now Allan Cronshaw, as well as many others in colonial times who shed their own blood in order to fulfill Laws of God and bring forth this government that would manifest the necessary environment (see ) for both Exceptionalism and Higher Truth to be reborn and manifest, the necessary Constitutional Framework is in the process of being destroyed. In the same way that the Gospel warns that the earth-consciousness or god of this world will raise up counterfeit shepherds who will lead the believer congregations astray -- the God-Given Rights are in like manner under attack as presented in the word of those who seek the Truth and TheWay that “...but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God" (John 16:1-2 NAS)

  12. The reality that sincere seekers of Truth must go to court to defend their religious/spiritual mindset and teachings from secular attack, is indicative of the troubled times that we are presently living in. And based upon my understanding of the Laws -- an understanding which is founded upon countless lifetimes both in this world, and from a higher soul-perspective which is drawn from a Source that is above and not of this world -- what the courts have been presented with is a test to judge whether they are worthy of inheriting freedom, liberty and God-Given Rights.

  13. In the body of the Motion, the findings of Judge Roger J. Miner of the Northern District of New York in Allanson v. Clinton Central School District (84-CV-174) ruling that the law was again unconstitutional because it failed to contain a personal religious exemption when he wrote: "The resolution of that question is not to turn upon a judicial perception of the particular beliefs or practice in question; religious beliefs need not be acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others in order to merit First Amendment protection". This ruling by Judge Miner was based upon the ruling of the Supreme Court in Thomas v Review Board 450 U.S. 707, (1981), where Chief Justice Burger admonished: "Courts should not undertake to dissect religious beliefs... One can, of course, imagine an asserted claim so bazaar so clearly non-religious in motivation, as not to be entitled to protection under the free exercise clause: but that is not the case here, and the guarantee of free exercise is not limited to beliefs which are shared by all members of a religious sect. The courts are not arbiters of scriptural interpretation…. The essence of law that has been set and written on the subject is that only those interests of the highest order... can overbalance legitimate claims to the free exercise of religion” (Thomas vs Review Board 450 US 707, 718 (1981) accord, Wisconsin vs. Yoder, 406 US 205, 215 [1972]; Sherbert vs Verner, 374 US 393, 406 [1963])

  14. So as presented in the body of the Motion, the ONLY question set before this court must be limited to whether my refusal to wear a seat belt is “inimical to the peace, good order, and morals of society”, and whether the practice of my religion which rejects the mindset and Atheist philosophy/theology that has evolved into Secular Humanism that requires the wearing of a seat belt, will bring harm to a person in another car in the event of a collision.

  15. If the prosecuting attorney cannot demonstrate that my not wearing a seat belt will be detrimental to a person driving another car, or a pedestrian, then the summons before this court must be dismissed on First Amendment religious grounds.

  16. While as an adult I have the right to reject medical attention and blood -- and the fact that in the case of a minor child court orders have been used to set aside the religious beliefs of the parents when it is demonstrated that death is immanent if immediate medical attention is not given -- the North Carolina seat belt law is proactive and very much in parallel to the North Carolina immunization law in that they are both attempting to promote an action which will avert harm. The seat belt law -- like the immunization law which contains a religious exemption by virtue of judicial mandate -- is proactive, and cannot be viewed from the perspective that it averts an immanent threat, and therefore is UnConstitutional unless it contains a religious exemption when it is demonstrated that it is adverse to one’s religious beliefs or God-Centered Mindset.

  17. FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE: The scriptures teach that all events that transpire in this world are the result of the Laws working in the life of man -- and this reality is clearly portrayed in the words: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father” (Matt 10:29 NIV).

  18. Which from a biblical perspective teaches that there is no such thing as an accident -- and that all things are brought about by the Will of God being impressed upon the Laws that control every aspect of life as we know it. And this reality of Divine Providence and Law is further presented in the article: Do We Have Free Will at .

  19. In the same way that immunization is a denial of a holistic God-Centered lifestyle -- and because of the conflict in a religious/spiritual mindset, from that of a secular mindset which ordains the need for these proactive protective measures to safeguard the people, the North Carolina law contains a religious exemption -- the same is true with respect to the seat belt law which denies the biblical teachings on Divine Providence, and promotes an Atheistic Secular Humanist perception of life.

  20. Moreover, those who ardently believe -- and in my case Know that all events are the result of Divine Providence and Higher Spiritual Laws acting on the lives of individuals, the wearing of a seat belt is like praying to a secular god -- i.e., the practice of the religion of Secular Humanism -- and a denial of the Higher Spiritual Order of Life.

  21. FROM A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE: Secular Humanism is founded upon the Darwinist Theory of Evolution that rejects all non-physical influence in the creation and evolution of this world -- attempting to demonstrate that this world is the result of accident and natural occurrences -- that there is no unseen forces at work that have molded and influenced this world -- and is reliant upon an outdated model of science that has long ago been dispelled as grave error -- but remains foundational to our modern culture because it is the holy grail of the Atheists. And while the First Amendment protection of religious beliefs is not contingent upon scientific proof or secular judicial reasoning, I will demonstrate using science the fallibility of the reasoning behind the present-day Secular Humanist mindset that rejects the wisdom of the Bible and other spiritual writings.

  22. In the article on Science Proves Religion at , it is demonstrated that modern quantum physics has proven that the Darwinist vision of Creation is not only counterfeit, but actually is in reverse of man’s true reality, and that our modern educational systems, culture and laws fails to acknowledge these proven facts because they have exalted Darwin’s Theory of Evolution to the level of the holy grail of the Atheists and Secular Humanists who reject the Divine Order of the Universe.

  23. Quoting the article on Science Proves Religion: Einstein experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new reality of atomic physics that was presented to him, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built”. In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which the customary interpretation of observation was based.” These “…mechanical conceptions” make reference to Darwin and the Theory of Evolution which is opposite and in conflict with man’s true reality.

  24. The Universe is a Great Mind: In his 1951 textbook on quantum theory, Bohm offered some interesting speculations on the analogies between quantum processes and thought processes, thus carrying further the celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans two decades earlier: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”. More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source. The holographic reality says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”

  25. What is the impact of these findings of modern science? The reality that is being conveyed is that what we perceive as solid physical matter, is being interpreted in this manner because our brains interpret that frequency to make what we see appear concrete. Moreover, what it also means is that we perceive only a fraction of Creation because our brains, which by virtue of the fact of their physical nature, can only detect frequencies that are within the same (physical) spectrum. In the same way that in order to be effective, an antenna must possess the physical characteristics that enables it to receive a certain range of the frequencies that the device (radio, TV, wireless phone, etc.) is intended to operate within, our physical mind and bodies are designed to function within a certain spectrum of Creation -- and this is predicated by the fact that our physical nature is composed of the elements that are of this world.

  26. In his Preface to Stalking The Wild Pendulum, by Itzhak Bentov, William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University writes: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination”. Yet this fossilized science is still being promoted among our school children -- it remains as the founding principle upon which our culture is based -- it is being used to inhibit both religion and freedom in our present-day culture -- and has greatly limited the ability of man to function in his true multidimensional and spiritual reality. This mindset is also the theoretical foundation upon which the New York State seat belt law is based.

  27. If a person believes in accidents in the manner they are taught by our Atheistic secular culture, then accidents will happen to them. Thus the words of scientist Itzhak Bentov: “The quantum theory asserts that there is no way one can measure some sets of things, like momentum and position, together very accurately... because the consciousness of the experimenter interacts with the experiment itself. Therefore, it becomes possible that the attitude of the experimenter must also influence the outcome of any particular experiment”.

  28. These similarities were pointed out in the book, The Tao Of Physics, by Fritjof Capra, and The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav. Zukav’s book takes its title from the Chinese expression for physics, wu li, which he translates as “patterns of organic energy”, and writes: “Bell’s theorem not only suggests that the world is quite different than it seems, it demands it. Something very exciting is happening. Physicists have ‘proved’ rationally that our rational ideas about the world in which we live are profoundly deficient”.

  29. Bell’s theorem, which was proposed in 1964 by J.S. Bell, a physicist working in Switzerland, was first confirmed experimentally in 1972. Physicist Henry Stapp, in a 1975 federal report called it the most “profound discovery of science”. Bell’s theorem succeeds in exhibiting the bizarre nature of the subatomic world. Experiments show that if paired particles which are identical twins in their polarity fly apart, and the polarity of one is changed by an experimenter, the polarity of the other particle changes instantaneously. Even though they appear to us as separate, the particles remain mysteriously connected regardless of the fact that there is no physical connection. The problem is that the mind of man in it’s natural organic state is simply incapable of perceiving the far-reaching ramifications of this great truth -- and even less prepared to comprehend the results of the intertwining connections that are maintained not only between individuals and groups of people, but also about their beliefs and what they have come to believe to be accidents because of counterfeit beliefs taught to them by our outdated Darwinist philosophy and mindset.

  30. In his book, Urbausteine der Materie, physicist Walter Thirring wrote about matter that modern physics “…has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context. It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field. The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”

  31. What the physicist is telling you is that your physical body that you observe in the mirror -- the physical form that you use to present yourself to the world around you -- is in fact caused by a intersecting lines of force in your own, personal field -- and it is this field that you do not see, that causes a blemish in this realm that we perceive through the eyes that has been formed out of this blemish (see Etheric Field at ). Again, if what we observe in this world as being concrete, is not really concrete, but merely a frequency that our brain interprets in a concrete manner, then we have the means to develop and evolve our mind in order to permit it to detect the full spectrum of frequencies that make up the totality of all of Creation. Can we do this? Both the Bible and the holy men and women of the past convey to us that an enlightened vision and understanding of life is not only possible, but it is our eventual destiny. Thus, the problem is seen in the fact that man’s true reality is neither addressed, acknowledged, or acted upon in any intelligent manner by our politically correct culture that controls the heartbeat of society today. Yet, from a more modern scientific perspective, the Darwinist perception of Creation amounts to little more than junk-science, while the findings of genuine science has become as a cult that is not even discussed in our modern educational systems. To the detriment of our own children, what we teach instead is secular dogma -- anti-religious secular dogma -- that has absolutely no basis in fact.

  32. If we could but for a brief moment gaze at this world from the perspective of higher reality, what we would immediately realize is that what science is learning about Creation today was in fact elementary to the eyes and understanding of the Hebrew-Christian visionaries of the past. Thus, the great dilemma: It is one thing through scientific endeavor to become aware that these other dimensions exist, and become cognizant of the impact they have upon this world -- and still quite another to move in and out and explore these other realms of existence. Moreover, all these scientific theories that we have newly discovered today, is not new at all -- and have been well established in the scriptures and the writings of the prophets and visionaries since the dawn of time. How can this be, you will ask? Simple! If we are to even begin to come to terms with our own higher reality and purpose of life, it is absolutely important for us to recognize the fact that man does not need a technically advanced society in order to explore the realms of Higher Mind -- i.e., he only needs his mind -- then it will also be realized that our world of modern technology can in fact be detrimental to our own development, because it has the ability to greatly distract man in his search for the answers to Life. What this ultimately means is that the wisdom of the ancients could very well be superior to the modern philosophy that our universities teach today. In fact, if man could see the wonders of Creation clearly, he would quickly realize that the supposed conflict between science and religion is superficial, and is nothing more than the result of ignorance with regard to both the true nature of religion and scientific fact.

  33. FROM A SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE: Einstein made one of the most important observations that modern intellectuals neither understand, nor can they in any manner even begin to come to terms with -- largely because of their politically correct cultural philosophy and their ignorance of the Laws.   Einstein stated: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."   When properly and factually understood, there is absolutely no difference between the findings of the enlightened scientist, the Apostle Paul who instructed the Gentile Christians, and the enlightened Mystic who authored the scriptures -- except, perhaps, the key word enlightened.   But herein lies the crux of the problem -- i.e., the very word enlightened raises the crucial question as to how one even becomes enlightened?   Does one go to a traditional school environment that suppresses what Einstein portrays as the forgotten intuitive gift -- while programming the rational servant with what often amounts to little more than cultural and politically correct propaganda?   In his own words he acknowledged that “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”     In fact, what Einstein portrays as the rational servant does not even possess the necessary insight to understand both the reality of the intuitive gift, or the Great Source of Knowledge that the undeveloped intuitive resources of the mind of man has the innate potential of tapping into -- which prompted Einstein to acknowledge that “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”  

  34. With great wisdom and vision Einstein stated "Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible."    But since the vast majority of modern scientists reject even the existence of the invisible, it is the scientific community that has rendered itself impotent with respect to any real depth of perception and understanding.  

  35. Paul conveyed the exact same message to the congregation of believers that Einstein stated in the words:  "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV).   And when this reality is understood for what it truly is, only then is the words of the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas comprehended where it is written: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you ..."    And while only a handful of people have evolved their intuitive centers of mind sufficiently enough to perceive and understand from the higher reality of an enlightened mind, this potential of man that is portrayed as a gift, is indeed the long ignored wisdom expressed by both Einstein, the Apostle Paul, and the biblical authors.

  36. Both of these statements which are ignored by the vast majority of scientists and their religious counterparts, ignore the underlying reality that not only does the unseen dimension of what we see exist, but that it is within the scope of man's innate abilities to develop this facility of mind that enables the individual to perceive an unseen reality that is beyond the limits of man's undeveloped physical organic senses.   And with respect to the invisible, when it is understood that what is being made reference to is a blindness that encompasses all of mankind in a condition that Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see ) -- which is parallel to the analogy of the illusions of Plato's Cave (see ) that has entrapped mankind in a world that he does not understand the nature and reality of, then the reality of these words spoken by both the scientist and the mystic becomes an obstacle that is imperative to overcome and prevail over its limitations.

  37. When astronomer James Jeans proclaimed that: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine” -- we should have realized that the ancient men of wisdom did not need our modern-day technological advances to explore a universe that is a “great thought”, they only needed to understand the laws and conditions that limited their own minds from interacting with the Higher Intelligence that put the universe in place! It should be reasonable to every rationally minded person that the means by which we explore the “great thought” of Creation, is to use our own thought and mind as a vehicle in which to travel beyond this world of physical appearances.

  38. The objective of Judaism and Christianity is to bring about spiritual transformation – and while the mainstream religious people who only embrace an elementary understanding of these teachings do not understand this objective, this has not been the case with respect to those who have walked the spiritual path of TheWay. The true spiritual Hebrew and Christian visionaries of the past have always acknowledged the validity of the objects that appear to our senses as being of a physical nature -- i.e., no one is denying that what we perceive with our physical eyes as being concrete to the senses does indeed exist -- but they also assert that there is a good deal more than what we see -- and modern science has progressed to the degree where it can now affirm this universal religious position. In the words of Einstein: “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).

  39. In his Preface to Stalking The Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov, William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University writes: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination”. Yet this fossilized science is still being promoted among our school children -- it is the basis upon which the thinking of the North Carolina seat belt law is built upon -- it remains as the founding principle upon which our culture is based -- it is being used to inhibit both religion and freedom in our present-day culture -- and has greatly limited the ability of man to function in his true multidimensional and spiritual reality.

  40. From a Biblical perspective, the teachings in the scriptures are twofold – i.e., there is what is called the teachings of the simple faith which is an entry-level doctrine for the masses, and there is the Mysteries of God that can only be revealed to those who have undergone the process of spiritual transformation. In his Epistles, Paul tells of visiting these non-physical realms when he writes about his experiences: “…Fourteen years ago I was taken up to heaven for a visit. Don't ask me whether my body was there or just my spirit, for I don't know; only God can answer that. But anyway, there I was in paradise, and heard things so astounding that they are beyond a man's power to describe or put in words (and anyway I am not allowed to tell them to others)” (2 Cor 12:1-4 TLB).

  41. These dimensions and realms that the modern scientist portrays as the field because of it’s non-physical nature -- i.e., “…There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” -- is the natural habitat of the mystic and spiritual man/woman whose source of enlightenment and higher vision is founded in these parallel realms and dimensions that are the source of all events that transpire in this world -- i.e., and this is correctly portrayed in the words of physicist Walter Thirring who wrote about matter that modern physics “…has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context. It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field. The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”

  42. In the New Testament Jesus teaches the necessity of attaining to the next stage of birth -- stating that without this second birth, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven (see ).   The problem arose when the spiritual teachings of Jesus became outlawed by the 4th century Pagan Rome Emperor Constantine (see ). Thus, the spiritual was suppressed and only the teachings of the entry-level simple faith survived. But Paul's doctrine of faith over works of the Law must be understood in relation to the Kingdom within (see ).  

  43. Unbeknown to the vast majority of Christians today, the faith of Paul was based upon the spiritual reality of an Inner Kingdom -- and the revelation that if a person lived a consecrated life -- with a mind unshackled by the doctrines of men -- open to the higher impressions of the Spirit that teaches and enlightens the most faithful of genuine seekers of the Light and TheWay -- that the inner door to these parallel realms which are the source of all that exists in this world -- non-physical realms which are the true source of all that exists in this physical world -- and have now been detected by the modern scientist -- is the very essence of the faith that Paul speaks of with respect to opening the inner door of the mind to the Kingdom of God. Thus, modern Christians who possess only the entry-level teachings of the simple faith, fail to understand why Paul commanded to "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).   They have no understanding of why Paul said it was necessary for Christians to "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5 NIV).   Why Paul said to "Pray without ceasing" (1Thes 5:17 KJV).   Why James taught the need to "…bridle the whole body" (James 3:2 KJV).   To the degree that Paul said to "…beat my body and make it my slave..." (1 Cor 9:27 NIV).   And the requirement set forth by Jesus was that each Christian would be held accountable for every single word they speak: "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36 KJV).    

  44. SEAT BELT IS DENIAL OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE: When Einstein made the (above quoted) statement that "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift" -- since it is the intuitive mind that Einstein states has been suppressed by a culture ”...that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift" -- and this development of the culturally suppressed intuitive is paramount to gaining access to man's Inner Source of Knowledge – then the mental environment which must be applied in order to properly develop the religious adherents intuitive spheres of mind is in fact the Practice of Religion from a Spiritual perspective, and must therefore be accorded First Amendment Protection from government intervention.

  45. Based upon the Gospel teachings that the Kingdom will never come upon the earth because it is within the individual (see ) -- and it is the spiritual objective of the Gospels and the teachings of TheWay to seek out and gain entrance to this Inner Kingdom – then the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of the seeker/disciple must be dedicated to bringing about this spiritual transformation within the person's own mind and being. And in the same way that the disciple of TheWay is Commanded to "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5 NIV), in order to bring about the necessary spiritual transformation to do as is described in the Bible and enter these causal non-physical realms, every action must be in accord with this higher reality that can only be revealed to the most faithful of seekers. To put on a seat belt and surrender to the thinking of those who are of a Darwinist mindset, is a denial of this inner higher reality -- and it would be paramount to worshiping a false god of this world.   Why? Because every thought must connect to man’s inner reality which is portrayed as the field by the scientist and the Kingdom within by Jesus (see Etheric Field at ) -- which means that the concept of an accident is a denial of both this inner reality, as well as the biblical doctrine of Divine Providence. In fact, what unenlightened men perceive as accidents, are not only brought about by causal elements in the non-physical field that surrounds all matter, but could be avoided if the people were able to perceive the underlying causes.

  46. Because the people in our modern culture are slaves to the secularism that shackles them to spiritually disenfranchised lives -- lives which imprison the people in the dungeons of ignorance and hellish darkness of lives of unknowing in exile from the higher reality within us -- we grope blindly in the outer world for the answers to life that can only be revealed to us by developing and expanding what Einstein portrays as the culturally suppressed ” of the intuitive”, and commence in the process of raising one's human-organic consciousness and opening the door to the inner realities and the True Temple of the Lord that exists at the very Core of our Being (see Final Temple at ).    And the faith that Paul speaks of as being absolutely necessary to salvation, is the faith that motivates us pick up our own cross and travail in TheWay, which enables us to break free of the shackles of the secularism and philosophical sectarian ignorance of the culture of this world, and release ourselves from the dungeons of darkness that imprison us and chain mankind who is the lost prodigal sons and daughters, to the outer reaches of consciousness.   

  47. Once the reality of the inner Kingdom (see ) is understood -- truly understood with the fervor and passion of one who has for a long time scaled the dunes of a seemingly endless desert in search of water to quench their parched dry body -- then, and only then does the realization begin to dawn within us that we are the only obstacle to freedom and happiness -- and we only have to make the body-vessel a fit dwelling place for an open and balanced mind, in order bridge the gulf between the inner non-physical and outer material world, and in singleness of mind and being permit the Kingdom to come within us and fulfill the ultimate prophesy and revelation of the biblical promise.   "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it" (Matt 13:44-46 NKJ).   The Kingdom of God being within us, is indeed the treasure that is hidden in the field of our body/mind.   And the Kingdom can only be found by those who are "...seeking beautiful pearls" and are prepared to sell all that they have (secular-cultural mindset) in this world in order to acquire it.   

  48. One only has to open the pages of the Bible to see that the whole of the New Testament teachings is concerned with ethics, morality, and the manner in which each of us treats our brothers and sisters. The requirement is that we must be perfect, as our Heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:48). This state of perfection is referred to as the fulfillment of the Royal Law of God, and is measured in our forgiveness, acceptance and love of our fellow man. From a New Covenant perspective, whatever is divisive, and not in accord with the Royal Law, is of this world, and is an obstacle to our birth into the Kingdom.  It is from this perspective that the requirement in the Book of the Revelation is set before us in the words: "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful" (Rev 21:27 NIV).  This same truth was expressed by Isaiah where it is written: "And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it" (Isa 35:8 NIV). And this same truth is expressed in the words of Jesus when he warned: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matt 7:13-14 NIV). The "narrow gate" that Jesus speaks that we must open in order for us to be born into the Kingdom, has its parallels in the birth canal that serves as the gate that each of us has emerged through when we physically entered into this present world.  That the next stage of birth has its similarities, is merely the result that all realities are designed in accordance with the same Divine Pattern of Creation.

  49. In fully comprehending these biblical statements in relation to the whole purpose of the teachings of The Way, let us again examine the definitive statement which conveys to us the very essence of the Gospel -- and especially the Revelation of John: "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" (Rev 22:14-15 NKJ).

  50. If the text of the Revelation represented the end of the world, as is commonly believed by the majority of Christians today, then why are those who remain outside the city portrayed as "dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie"? Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal tribulation described as the "pangs of birth", as he endeavors to overcome his own lower carnal nature through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge of the fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural barriers of this world, and "enter through the gates into the city".

  51. What natural man calls accidents, is caused by conditions which exist in the field which is the source of the physical world. In order to access these non-physical dimensions, one must be totally faithful to the higher reality that carnal man is blind to. To embrace that Atheistic-Darwinist mindset that promotes the concept of accidents -- rather than events that are brought about by a Higher Order -- is a total denial of this Higher Reality that science has only now proven to exist. It is therefore impossible to be faithful, and to "…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5 NIV), so long as one continues to embrace the thinking and mindset of the tenets of Atheism and the quasi-theology of Secular-Humanism.

Dated: July 12th , 2004


                                                                                                                            Emmanuel Paul Joel Pohoreski

Affirmed to me this 12th day of July, 2012
