A Purely Spiritual Path
Mystics And Visionaries Are The True Researchers And Scientists Of Life
They Seek The Answers To Life Without The Limitations Of Doctrine, Dogma, Or Politics
Yeshua Was A Mystic Who Taught Others To Seek The Spiritual Path
All people possess the innate ability to Communicate Directly with God Though The Inner Light.
Yeshua taught that if we consecrate the body and open the mind, that we will permit the inner door within us to open.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and
opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with
(Rev 3:20 NKJ)
by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ)
."God gives you all truth, as a ladder with many
steps, for the salvation and perfection of the soul,
the truth which seems today, you will abandon for the higher truth tomorrow.
Press toward perfection."
(Gospel Of The Nazirenes)
In the Cosmic Higher Reality, there is only One Source of Genuine Knowledge
From an Earthly Perspective, the only genuine knowledge is that Knowledge that enables us to Tap Into our own Inner Source of Knowledge
Institutionalized Government Secular Schools totally alienate the child from Genuine Knowledge
Institutionalized Churches sever the child from the Genuine Temple of their Souls
"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him.
For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are"
(1 Cor 3:16-17 NKJ)
"And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck"
(Mark 9:42 NIV)
Mahatma Gandhi said that he read the Christian Bible every day, but he would not convert to Christianity because he had yet to find a Christian who actually followed the teachings of Jesus. In fact, as a dedicated Bible reader it was Gandhi's position that the whole world would be the followers of Jesus, if it were not for the people who called themselves Christian.
Institutionalized Religion: Was Gandhi right in his assessment? Does it matter? From the perspective of my own spiritual experiences as an Ebionite Nazirene Mystic who has intimately followed the teachings of Yeshua and TheWay, let me confirm to you that Gandhi was fundamentally correct in his assertions. Contrary to the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, Jesus did not ordain an institutionalized church (see The Death Of The Religion Of Jesus). The True Church of Jesus is Spiritual -- and can only be entered by those who intimately embrace the very essence of Jesus' teachings (see Gate Of Eden). And sadly, when the Protestant Reformers broke away from the Church of Rome, they merely built upon the counterfeit structure of what the Emperor Constantine had created in the fourth century. In many respects, Protestantism was as much a political movement as it was religious -- and those who suggested that the whole Roman institutionalized model was defective, were condemned as heretics.
Institutionalized Learning: The man known as the Apostle Paul sweepingly condemned the wisdom of this world as "foolishness" -- stating that it will come to naught. And while Christians claim to hold Paul's wisdom above that of the Disciples of Jesus, by their actions they render Paul an idiot! If they actually believed Paul, they would not send their children to government institutionalized secular schools to not only learn the wisdom that Paul deemed defective, but to learn worldly theories, concepts and Atheistic quasi-theology that totally denies everything that both Jesus and Paul ever taught.
Institutionalized Culture Of Destruction: Jesus condemned the ways of this world as evil and satanic, and yet people who call themselves his followers immerse the whole of their lives in it's mindset and lifestyle. The first followers of Jesus called themselves Ebionites -- i.e., the "poor ones" -- because they knew that to be a disciple or follower of Jesus, one had to be in the world and not of it! Was Jesus and his first followers misinformed and out of touch with reality? Unfortunately, the thinking of most people today has been thoroughly molded by Hollywood, Madison Avenue, MTV, and our politically correct culture that immerses the vast majority of people in the darkness of ignorance -- ignorance about themselves, as well as ignorance about the life they are living. Unbeknown to most people, institutionalized religion and institutionalized learning are mere extensions that support the tenets of the Culture of Destruction. And while the churches may put on a quasi-religious facade -- using rhetoric that attempts to portray them in a spiritual role -- and at times they appear to take positions in opposition to the Culture of Destruction -- in truth there is only a slight degree of separation and differences.
There is no word in the English language to convey the reality of Experiential Spiritual Knowledge -- and in the same way that man's knowledge is based upon his observations, evidence, and experiences in this world that can be prove, because man has an inner soul and spiritual nature that is the source of all things in this reflected world and reality, man has the ability to not only know the truth -- but to prove all things. That the vast majority of people cannot access their own inner soul and spiritual natures, is because these inner natures are dormant and atrophied because of non-use and non-development. And this is why Yeshua warned that you can't be of this world, and know the Truth -- you can't serve two masters -- and this is why the original disciples of Yeshua were known as Ebionites -- i.e., the "poor ones" who were in the world and not of it.
In the same way that the Pharisees rejected and condemned Yeshua because he taught spiritual concepts that their carnal minds could not comprehend, both the Ebionites and the Spiritual Gentile converts were condemned by the carnal believers who called themselves Orthodox Christians, because the Orthodox could not comprehend the spiritual essence of what Yeshua taught. And because the Emperor Constantine murdered the Ebionites and Spiritual Christians because they refused to embrace the religion of the Emperor and his Pagan Church which came to be called Catholic Christianity, the true followers and disciples of Yeshua were murdered (see The Death Of The Religion Of Jesus).
true Disciple of TheWay is one who embraces the very essence of Jesus'
teachings, and travels the mystical path that transcends the limitations of this
world in pursuit of genuine spiritual knowledge, wisdom and
understanding. At the beginning of our Common Era they
differentiated between genuine spiritual knowledge gained through one's own
spiritual/mystical experiences by calling this type of knowledge "gnosis".
Those who possessed this spiritual gnosis were referred to as Gnostics -- of
whom under the heading of Gnosticism, the Encyclopedia
Britannica states: “Among the
majority of the followers of the movement, 'Gnosis' was understood not as
meaning 'knowledge' or 'understanding', in our sense of the word, but
'revelation'. These little Gnostic
sects and groups all lived in the conviction that they possessed a secret and
mysterious knowledge, in no way accessible to those outside, which was not to be
proved or propagated, but believed in by the initiated, and anxiously guarded as
a secret. This knowledge of theirs
was not based on reflection, on scientific inquiry and proof, but on revelation.
It was derived directly from the times of primitive Christianity, from
the Savior himself and from his disciples and friends, with whom they claimed to
be connected by a secret tradition, or else from later prophets, of whom many
sects boasted. It was laid down in
wonderful mystic writings, which were in the possession of the various
circles”. How far we
have deviated from the teachings of Jesus can perhaps best be demonstrated in
the reality that the word gnosis and Gnostic today
is more descriptive of someone who is a heretic, than a man or woman of
spiritual wisdom and insight. When
we speak, then, of Gnostic gnosis or knowledge, it is important to understand
that we are not speaking of knowledge in our sense of the word -- but rather,
knowledge in the sense that Paul and Jesus spoke about.
With regard to this gnosis Paul writes: “But
God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit”
(1 Cor 2:10 KJV).
Thus the words: “This
knowledge of theirs was not based on reflection, on scientific inquiry and
proof, but on revelation”.
believers known as the historical Gnostic Christians were witnesses to the exact
same spiritual reality that Paul writes to us about in his epistle -- i.e., that
man has the ability to learn directly from God through man's own spiritual
nature -- and this is confirmed in the words of Paul when he wrote: “This
is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by
the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words”
(1 Cor 2:13 NIV).
Thus, the sacred truths of Paul and the Gnostic Christians were beyond
the perception of what Paul called “the
wisdom of this world”.
the difference between carnal knowledge and spiritual knowledge, Paul writes: “Where
is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has
not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?”
(1 Cor 1:20 NIV).
Because, like the Sadducees and Pharisees, the wise man, scholar, and
philosopher of this world fail to look beyond what is grasped through the
physical senses in the creation of their theories pertaining to life and this
In the same way that within the scriptures there are numerous
inconsistencies and symbols that point the disciple beyond the letter of what is
written, all of creation is fabricated in the same mold in which the Bible
itself is written.
Thus, what the Apostle writes is that the foolishness of the philosopher
of this age, is no different than the foolishness of the believer who sees only
the body of the scriptures -- or what the Apostle calls, the testimony of
the claim of the Gnostic Christians reported in the Britannica that their secret
doctrine: “was derived directly from
the times of primitive Christianity, from the Savior himself and from his
disciples and friends, with whom they claimed to be connected by a secret
tradition, or else from later prophets, of whom many sects boasted”,
in the words of Clement of Alexandria: “The
Lord… allowed us to communicate to those Divine Mysteries, and of that holy
light, to those who are able to receive them.
He did not certainly disclose to the many what did not belong to the
many; but to the few to whom He knew that they belonged, who were capable of
receiving and being molded according to them”.
the believers of the simple faith have continually failed to realize down
through the ages is that, in order to learn of God, and enter the Kingdom, one
must have a total and complete change of mind and heart (“Repent, for the
kingdom of heaven is at hand”) -- i.e., “open
and unloose the mind, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”
-- and this total change of mind and heart can only be brought about in the life
of the believer when there is a reversal of direction, as in the biblical phrase
to “turn about”.
What the Bible states is that it is impossible for us to be taught the
sacred truths that we need to know in the manner of the worldly wise man,
scholar and philosopher.
It is not a matter of teaching as we do in our modern educational
systems, because man is incapable of comprehending higher reality so long as he
is inhibited by the ten percent limitation the physical body imposes upon his
is for this reason that the wise man of the spirit has always incorporated
certain rituals that the carnal believer follows -- but in reality, these
rituals exist as forms, figures and patterns of what must be accomplished in
When we begin to understand these facts, we are then able to perceive the
reason why Jesus condemned the Pharisees when he said: “Woe
to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside
of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.
Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside
also will be clean” (Matt 23:25-26
is conveyed in the above words is no different than when Origen and the early
Church Fathers wrote that the reading of scripture as history and the observance
of rituals in the flesh, do very little for the believer.
What is it that the Apostle is expressing when he writes: “Therefore
let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ”?
The elementary teachings of the Christ is what was taught to the
believers at Corinth: “For in him you
have been enriched in every way -- in all your speaking and in all your
knowledge -- because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore
you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ
to be revealed” (1 Cor 1:5-7 NIV).
The elementary teachings are the doctrine of “Jesus
Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2
resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment must be understood as man's return
to his true innate spiritual nature.
In the words of Clement of Alexandria in his description of the Lord's
mission: “For He was clothed with all
virtue; and it was His aim to lead man, the foster-child of the world, up to the
objects of intellect, and to the most essential truths by knowledge, from one
world to another”.
was the carnal believers who could not embrace the “elementary
principles of the oracles of God” --
who continued in a state of perpetual redemption -- using the rituals of the
Lord in the manner of the Sadducees and Pharisees for the endless forgiveness of
sins, rather than the means of moving on to maturity.
Thus, the carnal believers who failed to “open
and unloose the mind”, remained
stagnant -- and their involvement in the gospel was little more than a
philosophical and superficial outward change.
It was these carnal believers who perpetually remained babes in Christ --
ever sipping on the milk of the gospel, and never partaking of the solid food of
the spirit.
When the spiritual Christians attempted to explain to them the deeper
meaning of life, themselves, and the Word, the carnal Christians condemned the
spiritual Christians, and called them heretics.
They will do the same exact thing in our present time.
The Wholesale Rejection Of Wisdom
The All-Encompassing Denial Of Messiah/Christ
Mahatma Gandhi said that he had yet to find a Christian who actually followed the teachings of Jesus, because he read the Bible to learn what Jesus taught, rather then to confirm the tenets of a predetermined doctrine of belief. And what he saw in the Bible was so radically different than what the Churches believed, that he simply refused to be unfaithful to Jesus and the teachings of TheWay.
The Incomprehensible Mysteries of God! This web page began as a reply to a question about the difference between the Son of God/Logos and the historical Yeshua/Jesus as presented on the Ebionite web site -- which represents the beliefs held by those who Jesus himself taught. But if I were to just simply reply and explain the difference, there was an excellent chance that what I wrote would be incomprehensible to the person who asked the question. Why? The answer goes to the very heart of why Paul warned the baptized and committed believers at Corinth that he could not convey to them the higher truths of the Gospel which is often referred to as the Mysteries of God, and confessed that while he was among them he was only able to speak of “Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2 KJV) -- which Paul referred to as the "milk" of the Gospel, rather than the "solid food" that can only be comprehended by those who were spiritually mature (1 Cor 3:2). And what we are presented with in these often ignored and profound words of Paul, is the very cause of not only the source of all religious differences the world over, but also the reason for the total ineffectiveness of all our secular and non-secular educational systems, colleges and universities -- and their inability to teach and enlighten the students and all people on a world-wide basis as to the very truths and knowledge that is necessary to comprehend virtually anything of value throughout every aspect of life itself. Thus, that mankind is totally ignorant of the great truth that Paul was attempting to convey, is the reason why I titled this web page Institutionalized Ignorance!
The problem is that few people possess the insight to comprehend the far-reaching warning of Paul when he attempted to explain that people who he described as being of a "natural" mindset -- which in chapter three he related to being of a "carnal" state of mind -- and warned that he could not convey to them their own higher spiritual reality and the Mysteries of God because they would perceive and judge his words and teachings to be pure "foolishness" and utter nonsense: "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Cor 2:14 KJV). So what this means is that everything that we read in the pages of the Bible and other scriptures is elementary -- i.e., milk for people of an immature mind. And it is therefore necessary for the authors of the Bible to convey sacred truths and the Mysteries of God in a series of allegorical forms and symbols that begin to deepen the mind of the reader to the incomprehensible truths that it is impossible to convey in a straightforward and literal manner. In the words of Clement of Alexandria: “For the Divine Being cannot be declared as it exists; but as we who are lettered in the flesh were able to listen” (see Why God Speaks To Us In Allegory And Enigma).
In his Epistle to these believing and confirmed Christians at Corinth who Paul describes as “...that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge, even as the testimony concerning Christ was confirmed in you, so that you are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall also confirm you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 1:5-8 NAS), we can if we open our minds to what he is stating, begin to get a sense of the dark dilemma that seduces mankind in his quest to know and understand the meaning and purpose of life. But what is Paul saying? If we pose the question: What Christian today has been taught by a man of the vision and insight of the person known as the Apostle Paul? And yet Paul states that he could not do what the vast majority of both Jewish and Christian clergy do today -- i.e., convey to the people the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel that Jesus taught. Why? Why could Paul not convey to those people he taught in person the great truths that they needed to know? In answer to this question Paul explains that “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor 3:1 NAS). Thus, the believers who Paul himself personally taught, could only be taught the “testimony” of Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men -- but rather, they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in Christ”. Paul then explains that: “I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS). What should be troubling to the modern believer is that Paul openly admits that the baptized and confirmed Christians at Corinth -- people who had received the gifts of the laying on of hands and speaking in tongues -- people who were not taught by preachers and priests, but the Apostle himself -- were not yet able to understand the Mysteries of the Gospel of God because they were yet “babes in Christ”, and had not been made perfect through the consecration of the body and the Anointing of the Mind. And the far-reaching reality that Paul unsuccessfully attempted to convey to both the believes then and now, is seen in his words where he warned that: “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 KJV).
properly understood, what the Apostle is stating is synonymous with the
words of the first-century Clement who was himself the disciple of Peter when
he wrote: “We remember that our
Lord and teacher, as commanding, said to us, guard the mysteries for me, and
the sons of my house. Wherefore
also he explained to his disciples, privately, the mysteries of the kingdoms
of the heavens” (Clementine
Homilies). Why was the Mysteries
to be guarded and possessed by the few? Because the vast majority
of believers were simply not prepared to even begin to envision their own
higher spiritual reality. And this incomprehensible reality is
further expounded on by
Clement of Alexandria when he wrote: “The
Lord… allowed us to communicate to those Divine Mysteries, and of that holy
light, to those who are able to receive them.
He did not certainly disclose to the many what did not belong to the
many; but to the few to whom He knew that they belonged, who were capable of
receiving and being molded according to them.
But Secret things are entrusted to speech, not to writing as in the
case with God… And to him who is able secretly to observe what is delivered
to him, that which is veiled shall be disclosed as truth; and what is hidden
to the many shall appear manifest to the few”
Paul was stating to the Corinthians was that he could not teach, discuss, or
even reveal in any manner to them the Mysteries of God -- in that, God's Sacred Secrets
cannot be given to profane and carnal minds.
What is further demonstrated in this Epistle is that even though a
person is a Jew or Christian who accepts Messiah/Christ, repents, and is
baptized in the manner of the people at Corinth, this does not make them
spiritual -- and neither does this beginning of the walk in TheWay denote the
second birth spoken of in the Gospel of John (see Rebirth
vs Church Doctrine). That
Paul could not even speak of the Mysteries to these baptized and committed
Christians -- higher realities that they would view as pure "foolishness"
-- because they were yet of a carnal and natural mindset --
demonstrates that the Apostle held fast to the commandment of Jesus when he
said: “Give
not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the
swine” (Mt 7:6).
Again, the biblical meaning of the term dogs and swine that I have
previously provided throughout my writings is defined as those who attempt to
embrace Messiah/Christ, but in their thinking and manner of life they remain
very much a part of the culture of this world.
readers familiar with early Christian history know that during the first three
centuries there was great strife between certain groups of believers.
Yet, in not understanding the depth of the Apostle Paul's Epistles,
modern Christians generally fail to realize the source of this conflict.
What is clear in First Corinthians was that there were two classes of
Christians: Those who knew only the testimony of “Christ
and him crucified”, and those who
went beyond the exoteric doctrine of Christ which Paul referred to as "milk", and
those who embraced the process of spiritual transformation and maturity and learned the Mysteries of God
that Paul could not speak openly about.
“Howbeit we speak
wisdom among them that are perfect,”
writes Paul, “yet not the wisdom of
this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to naught: But we
speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God
ordained before the world unto our glory”
(1 Cor 2:6-7 KJV).
Suppressed Mind Of Natural Man: In
these words Paul is warning the believers at Corinth that he can only speak
about the Wisdom and Mysteries of God to those who are perfect.
Yet, the carnal believer throughout the history of the church has
traditional rejected these words of the Apostle -- even rejecting the concept
of perfection as heresy.
How could Paul not, when it is realized that natural man only used
approximately 10% of his potential of mind, and Paul is making reference to
the fact that only those people who are capable of using the other ninety
percent of the mind is able to perceive and comprehend what the Bible calls
the Mysteries of God. Carnal
man who knows virtually nothing of his threefold nature, simply has no means
to relate to the soul and spiritual realities that Paul can only hint at in
his Epistles. Moreover,
contrary to modern Christian doctrine, the Apostle does not say perfect faith
-- perfect belief -- or some philosophical idea of perfection by virtue of
membership in a religious group. The
idea of perfection from a biblical perspective is complete in all its parts --
and because we cling to manmade doctrines, we do not believe that man is
capable of this state of perfection, which the Apostle continually speaks of,
throughout his writings.
Paul’s warning to the believers at Corinth, the Apostle then uses a phrase
that is found in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the writings of the
early Church Fathers, and writes: “But
as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into
the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him”
(1 Cor 2:9 KJV). This
statement is of course fundamental to a Gnostic, or Spiritual Church.
is written by Paul is no different than what the Church Father Origen (see The
Secret Doctrine) stated was the primary difference between the gospel
given to the multitudes, and those who were worthy to be in the house with the
Lord: “Then Jesus sent the
multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him,
saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field”
(Matt 13:36 KJV). In our
quest to understand why there were two doctrines, the Bible itself openly
declares in the words of Jesus: “Unto
you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that
are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see,
and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand”
(Mark 4:11-12 KJV).
is permitted to understand a parable? What
the Bible tells us is that only a genuine disciple of the Lord in search of
Truth. All other believers
and non-believers alike are said to be “without”
-- or outside the house. In
the words of the Church Father Origen: “I have not
yet spoken of the observances of all that is written in the gospel, each one
of which contains much doctrine difficult to be understood, not merely by the
multitude, but even by certain of the more intelligent, including a very
profound explanation of the parables, which Jesus delivered to 'those without'
while reserving the exhibition of their full meaning for those who have passed
beyond the stage of exoteric teachings, and who came to him privately in the
house. And when he comes to
understand it, he will admire the reason why some are said to be without, and
others in the house”.
What did Jesus mean when he said that the Mysteries of God only belonged to those who were present with him "in the house"? The answer is found in what is perhaps the most important single verse in the Bible -- a verse that contains a profound warning of Jesus that is ignored by the vast majority of people who read the Bible -- and this ignored warning is in the parable of the Sower and the Seed, and is seen in the words: “Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV). What is being conveyed by Jesus in these words is that only those who know the true meaning of this parable -- and embrace that meaning in all its fullness -- can know the meaning to not only all the other parables, but also the Mysteries of God and everything else of any true substance. Why? Because we have a threefold reality that few people whose thinking is of this world is capable of even envisioning. What this means is that while our physical nature is manifest in this three-dimensional realm, our soul nature simultaneously dwells in a parallel realm -- our spiritual nature simultaneously dwells in yet another realm -- and at the very essence of our being is the Kingdom of God that Jesus taught was within us (Luke 17:20-21). When Jesus warned that a "divided house" cannot stand, he was making reference to all men who exist in a divided state with respect to their inner soul and spiritual natures.
When Paul warned that men of a "natural" mind would look upon the Mysteries of God as "foolishness", he said this because we are not beings of flesh -- and we are not what we appear to be when we look upon the reflected reality of the body-vessel we presently inhabit in the mirror. And while our true soul and spiritual reality was near impossible to even describe to people who lived 2000 years ago, our modern technology and science has made intelligent speculation more feasible from the perspective of the average person. Quoting the article on Science Proves Religion we are presented with a reality that the vast majority of people are simply not prepared to envision.
Natural Man Incapable of Comprehending Creation or the Bible: In the first two chapters of Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians the Apostle very clearly teaches that there is the “testimony” of Messiah/Christ that is preached to the multitudes of people, and the “mysteries” of the Gospel that cannot even be contemplated by those believers who have yet to be transformed by the Spirit, and are still of a natural organic state of mind. While this reality was difficult for men such as Martin Luther and Darwin to envision, this is no longer the case in our present time. Luckily, our modern scientific advances have provided us with great insight into understanding what Paul was attempting to convey to the mind of the still carnal believer. Once we are able to comprehend that we are dwelling in a non-mechanical “…holographic universe” that is now being described as being of an intelligent nature -- i.e., and appears to us in every way as "...a great thought" -- only then can we begin to truly understand the universal plight of man that Yeahus/Jesus came to free us from. Further, what the Bible portrays as Satan -- both collectively and as a singular being who opposes the Heavenly Kingdom -- can more appropriately be portrayed as the power or force which bonds and shackles us to this world through the organic physical body/vessels we are presently residing in.
Looking In The Wrong Direction: In the realization that traditional scientific inquiry can never provide the answers to life, thoughtful physicists in greater number have begun to notice the curious parallels between their own findings and ancient mystical descriptions of reality. These similarities were pointed out in the book, The Tao Of Physics, by Fritjof Capra, and The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav. Zukav’s book takes its title from the Chinese expression for physics, wu li, which he translates as “patterns of organic energy”, and writes: “Bell’s theorem not only suggests that the world is quite different than it seems, it demands it. Something very exciting is happening. Physicists have ‘proved’ rationally that our rational ideas about the world in which we live are profoundly deficient”.
The Great Thought
Remembering that Paul warned that the Mysteries of God are beyond human comprehension, and would be viewed as "foolishness" by the people of this world who are of a "natural" mind, the reality of life is that we exist because God is thinking not only us, but all that exists. Our reality is perhaps best portrayed in the words of the scriptures: "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, 'For we are also His offspring.'" (Acts 17:24-28 NKJ).
What is the meaning of these words? An interesting observation is made in the Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Bible Commentary for these verses: "[For in him we live, and move, and have our being], [kai (grk 2532) esmen (grk 2070)]-- more simply, `live, and move, and exist. ' This means, not merely (as Meyer explains it), `Without Him we have no life, nor that motion which every inanimate nature displays, nor even existence itself: ' it means that God is the living immanent Principle of all these in men. It will be observed that the words, "in Him we live, and move, and exist," constitute in themselves a descending series; but viewed in relation to the speaker's purpose, they have (as Lechler notices) all the force of an ascending climax. Life, it is true, is more than motion, and motion more than bare being; but the apostle's thought is, `Without God-- isolated and apart from God-- we should have no life; consequently, no motion; and so, no existence. ' [As certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.] This is the first half of the fifth line, word for word, of an astronomical poem of Aratus, a Greek countryman of the apostle's and his predecessor by about three centuries. It is found also (nearly as here) in a religious hymn of Cleanthes of Troas, a contemporary of Aratus. But, as our speaker hints, the same sentiment is to be found in other Greek poets. They meant it, doubtless, in a pantheistic sense; but the truth which it expresses the apostle turns to his own purpose-- to teach a pure, personal, spiritual Theism." While the Bible Commentary may relate these words of the Apostle and the concept to Pantheism, higher reality proves the words of the Apostle that "...in Him we live and move and have our being... 'For we are also His offspring.'"
Why? Because what we see with our physical eyes is a mere blemish in the field. In the words of the scientest: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine... The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff... “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source -- a hologram that causes “…our brains to mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”
The Paradox Of Reality
And Individuality
an honest appraisal of the scriptures the Rev. Charles Spurgeon wrote in his
autobiography: “The system of truth revealed in the
Scriptures is not simply one straight line, but two; and no man will ever get
a right view of the gospel until he knows how to look at the two lines at
once.... Two truths cannot be contradictory to each other... and it is only my
folly that leads me to imagine that these two truths can ever contradict each
other” (Charles H. Spurgeon, Autobiography Vol. 1: The Early
Years. pp. 173, 174).
Spurgeon could not bring the two lines of Gospel Truth together -- speaking of
them as his “folly” to even imagine
that two of God's teachings could contradict each other.
Yet, Rev. Spurgeon makes an astute and honest observation that, to
their own demise, few Jews and Christians throughout history have been willing
to admit.
It is absolutely necessary for us to come to terms with the fact that
truth is not only paradoxical, but that in our natural-carnal state, we are
unable to bring these paradoxes together.
In fact, this wide-eyed perception of reality is so important, that we
can never progress beyond the very limited point we are presently at, until we
realize this great truth.
Because it is in the realization of what Spurgeon calls his ”folly”
that we begin to open our minds to the reality that exists beyond the physical
barrier of this world.
Rev. Spurgeon failed to understand is that this same dilemma has plagued
mankind since the very dawn of time itself.
The Bible, as with all of life, literally exists in a sea of paradoxes
-- paradoxes that on the surface appear to oppose each other because we cannot
harmonize and balance the two opposing truths -- and these two opposing lines
are consciously built into the text of the scriptures.
Moreover, from his and the perspective of the Christian world, the two
lines of truth that Rev. Spurgeon writes about can never be resolved, because
he/they are missing the third element to the equation.
It is the presence of this third great truth -- the one that brings the
two conflicting and contradicting lines together into an abiding harmony and
oneness -- and the means to perceive it, that we must strive to embrace in our
lives if we are to confront the root cause of our own limitations.
Thus, Rev. Spurgeon perceived the presence of the Key of Knowledge in
its opposite polarities (positive/negative, male/female), but lacked the third
element to the equation that unlocked the Mysteries of God that had the power
to harmonize and merge the many paradoxes of both the Bible and Creation
Because all of Creation has been formed in the Mind of God out of the very DNA of its Source -- the Divine Pattern of which is presented in the words: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" (Gen 1:27 KJV) -- the more we begin to open our eyes and mind, the more we start to understand that all of Creation exists within the Divine Pattern of Duality -- i.e., male/female, light,dark, day/night, winter/summer, positive/negative. And once it is understood that all division exists as male/female polarities in relation to each other (see The Divine Marriage), then one can begin to embrace our own higher paradoxical reality. And when Adam (Man) expressed the need to merge the divided male/female (Adam/Eve) into "one flesh", was this any different than the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus that is found in many of the ancient texts, as presented in The Second Epistle of Clement where he writes: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.
The later Church of Rome failed to comprehend the far-reaching reality of these words, because they were not only carnal, but of a heathen mind. Where the Church was very much like the carnal Jews who expected the Kingdom to come upon the earth -- and judged the validity of the Messiah/Christ by his ability to inaugurate the Kingdom -- both the carnal Jews and Christians failed to perceive the inner meaning of the scriptures and Yeshua's words when asked about the Kingdom: "Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21 NKJ). One of the realities of Creation that the carnal mind has great difficulty in comprehending is the reality of an inner world -- inner dimensions of consciousness -- inner parallel realms -- and ultimately, the Kingdom of God which exists at the very core and essence of our being. The idea that the movement of the Laws would create inner barriers that divided and segmented our mind and being, is simply incomprehensible to the average person. And yet, Yeshua not only said that the Kingdom of God would never come upon the earth in the manner that carnal men predict and look for it, but that our entrance into the Kingdom was contingent upon our overcoming our own outer divided natures. In the above teachings with respect to the coming of the Kingdom, the reply was: "'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”. So what this indicates is that our physical self not only has a divided nature, but that we have an inner and outer, and a divided male and female natures that must be made "one flesh" in order for the Kingdom to come within us.
It is of note that the Gospel of Thomas begins with the statement: "These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. And he said, Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death. Jesus said, Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." And the very first saying that follows this statement deals with the reality of the inner Kingdom: "Jesus said, If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
men of the flesh who perceive only the illusion of this world -- i.e., the "blemish...
created by colliding fields" --
fail to comprehend that everything they see is a symbol and form (a living
allegory) of the higher reality they are unable to perceive. They
fail to comprehend that within their own physical consciousness there is a
segment and division of personalities as portrayed in the teachings of Yeshua
as to when the Kingdom would come. Further, they fail to
comprehend that this division of powers and the multitude of personalities
that must be united within the mind of the disciple in search of the inner
Kingdom, is portrayed in the scriptures as a multitude of people, animals,
geographical places, and what appears to be historical accounts.
They have not idea that the scriptures are written in such a manner that they
can be turned within as the Key of Knowledge that opens the inner door to the
Kingdom. In the words of the Church Father Origen: “It is sufficient
however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to
convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the
capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.” And with regard to what would otherwise be interpreted
as historical
symbols and events that would appear to us as the knowledge of superficial
episodes of the past, Origen writes: “I
believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the
hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen -
Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).
These great truths are again demonstrated in the words of Moses Maimonedes, one of the most respected of Jewish theologians, historian, and Talmudist, where he writes about the nature of scripture: “Every time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”. These same truths are again conveyed to us in the words of the Church Historian Eusebius: “Many were led astray by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees”. What these symbols truly mean is perhaps best expressed by G.R.S. Mead in his celebrated work, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, where he explained that, once properly understood, the true meaning of what is “…projected onto the screen…” of the scriptures, “…was in reality a picture of their [man’s] own minds”.
their own spiritual demise, the vast majority of Christians fail to comprehend
what Paul was attempting to convey when he warned that no one can be saved by
the works of the Law -- and referred to the letter that killeth. In the words of St. Augustine: “What
the apostle says pertains to this problem: 'For the letter killeth, but the
spirit quickeneth', that is, when that which is said figuratively is taken as
though it were literal, it is understood carnally.
Nor can anything more appropriately be called the death of the soul
than that condition in which the thing which distinguishes us from beasts,
which is the understanding, is subjected to the flesh in the pursuit of the
letter. He who follows the letter takes figurative expressions as
though they were literal and does not refer the things signified to anything
else” (De Doctrina Christiana).
When St. Augustine quotes Paul with regard to the saying “the letter killeth, but the spirit” makes alive, he is making reference to those who read the scriptures literally as historic narratives vs those who perceive the inner meaning of what is written. “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?” Writes the Apostle Paul to those who want to read the written word literally. “For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).
And if we ask the
question: Do the Jews know this? Do the Jews know that their Torah
and other scriptures are not historical -- but rather, an allegory that
conceals hidden truths of the soul and spirit?
So in the same way that we possess a multitude realities and dimensions within ourselves, so too does God possess the multitude of Creation within Himself -- "...for in Him we live and move and have our being... 'For we are also His offspring.'" (Acts 17:24-28 NKJ). And since we have hopefully arrived at the point where we can speculate that all that exists, exists in the Mind of God who has thought all that exists into being -- let us then examine the realities that are portrayed in these words and concepts -- concepts that Paul portrayed as inconceivable from a purely human pespective.
There are levels, realms and dimensions that exist within the layers of Creation -- and because each subsequent lower level is born out of the division of the higher, this division must be overcome in order for the lower level to transcend the barrier between worlds and realms, and know the higher. In the same way that prior to the separation of Eve, Adam and Eve were one and can be portrayed in the word Adam/Eve, so too is there a realm at the Absolute Essence of Creation where God is ONE. And in the same way that Eve came into being through the separation of the feminine nature from Adam -- and this reflective nature existed in potential prior to the separation -- so too did the polarities of Mother/Father God come into Being. And in the same way that Adam and Eve exist by virtue of the primal separation of Adam/Eve, so too does the separate Divine Polarities of Mother/Father God exist as Mother Father God in a realm where they exist in a Dualistic Presence. And in the same way that you are both separate from your own higher self, and yet you are intimately connected, so too does the Divine Polarities of Mother/Father God exist in a separate realm from the Unbegotten Ancient of Days, and yet these realms are intimately connected on a deeper level of Being.
Dualism Misunderstood: Now where the Two exist, there is always the Third Force of Creation which is the balance of the Two -- as is the child the product of its parents. This Third Force is often referred to as the Logos, Word, or Son of God -- but in the writings of the ancients it was correctly known as the Mind of God. Why Mind? Because thought is the movement between two paradoxical opposites -- and it is this Third Force that either merges the two, causes them to be opposing opposites, and every aspect of mind that would exist between these two extremes. So in the case of Adam and Eve, the third force is initially portrayed in the offspring of Cain and Abel who exist in conflict.
One of our greatest errors in our educational systems today is seen in the attempt to program the mind of the child -- i.e., force feed it with pre-determined philosophical theories and foundations of thought which are counterfeit by virtue of their divided insight -- rather than to stimulate the child through the development of thought -- thought being that sphere that merges paradoxical opposites that partisan politically correct philosophers attempt to deny (see Lilith, The Demonic Reality Of Feminism). By programming the child's mind, we rob the child of knowing -- because knowing can only be achieved by contemplating and merging the third force that marries the paradoxical opposites. But because of political correctness -- secular philosophy -- and the censorship of different perspectives -- the mind fails to develop because it is denied the nourishment of the third force by virtue of the paramount suppression of necessary impressions and concepts that are required to merge the paradoxical opposites that partisan and politically correct philosophers refuse to embrace and admit as being valid to the human experience of life, mind and spiritual reality. Once this fact is understood, we would then have to deem our present system of education as being the work of Satan -- i.e., the false knowledge that alienates the child from the knowledge of self and ultimately God.
From a paradoxical perspective, we can say that it is true that God is both singular and plural. If all of Creation is a Thought in the Mind of God -- then each of us can be likened to a single Neuron in the Mind of God -- and while on one level there is nothing but God, on another we exists as singular aspects of God that is interacting with each other as God explores all possibilities though us and the lives we seemingly live. So it is true that God exists in a singular state, and this Essence of Reality is portrayed in the Book of Daniel in the portrayal of God as the Ancient of Days. And as God Moved -- Moved within Himself -- polarities of positive and negative, active/reflective, male/female came into being. And in the same way that Adam and Eve were formed from Adam/Eve prior to their separation, because what we call time and movement exists in a dimension of mind and consciousness -- and while on one level the divided realities of Adam and Eve came into being, the original reality of Adam/Eve remained at another level of being -- so too do all things exist in accordance with this pattern of reality.
Each level of Creation is brought forth by the division that takes place within the next higher level, and is projected out onto the screen of Creation into an infinite number of realities -- each level of being is created by the Law of Three which is moved by the Law of Seven or Octaves (see Law of Octaves). So while God remains Singular on one level which we refer to as the Ancient of Days, in the initial level of division where the Two Divine Polarities of Creation were brought forth out of the ONE, that principle known as Mother/Father God was formed which represents the Two Polarities of the Divine Pattern of Creation -- and these Divine Polarities can only return to the Essence of a United Self through the Third Force that is able to merge the Two into One. But because the Third Force is itself in a negative mode -- existing in an unknowing state because of a lack of experiential knowledge, the Laws bend as portrayed in the Laws of Octaves, causing further division within each aspect of Creation, and each level of division in the same way creates a subsequent lower world that cannot be resolved except through the Third Force. So at the Essence of Creation we have the One -- and the One divides within itself in search of Knowing Self, and the realm which we call Mother/Father God comes in to being -- with the balance of Mind between the Great Paradoxical Opposites being known as the Logos, Word, or Son/Daugher of God. What we call the division of Heaven/Earth comes into being when the same process takes place within Father-God (heaven), and Mother-God (earth). Thus, we see the three spiritual centers or chakras in the lower abdomen which is the threefold division of Mother God, and the three spiritual centers in the head which is the threefold division of Father-God -- and because the original balance is maintained, we have the Son of God in a now weakened manifestation in the heart or center section which balances heaven/earth within us -- resulting in the seven chakras or spiritual centers. In the allegorical portrayal of the scriptures, Enoch did not die because he was the seventh from Adam -- thus, overcoming his divided reality. In the original New Covenant scriptures, Jesus and his 12 disciples traveled through seven cities before the final stage of birth as portrayed in the crucifixion account. And as the six once again divide through the same process of the Law of Three and the Law of Seven, we see the 12 spheres of mind that we call the Tree of Life manifest -- and because of the state of division, this pattern of mind is called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil -- or the Tree of Duality. But when we add the Powers of the Left and Right Hands of God to the equation, we can then perceive the reality of the number 14 present in the life of mankind with respect to the pattern of the Tree of Life.
Each level of Creation is brought forth by the Laws of Three and Seven working within that further divides -- with what we call human intelligence at the level of 144,000, and below this level of division we enter the kingdoms of animal, vegetable and mineral consciousness. Each subsequent level cannot know the next higher level that gave birth to it through the process of division, except through the third force that merges the two into one -- one incremental step at a time in reverse of the original process that brought all things as we know them into being and existence. Further, because each of the 12 spheres of mind exist in a inner divided state -- and each of these inner divided states that are portrayed in the symbols of tribes and nations are in conflict not only within each other, but with those areas of mind represented within the 12, man is fundamentally ignorant of self -- exists in a state of inner and outer conflict -- and each lower level is alienated and severed from the next higher level by virtue of the divided self that permeates each person's entire being.
What Jesus taught was the active principle of overcoming this division in search of self by merging each of the lower levels of consciousness by first keeping and observing the Law, and then walking in TheWay. Every aspect of Jesus' teachings are of paramount importance -- and these teachings are best portrayed in the Gospel of the Nazirenes. And if these teachings are embraced, as each lower level is merged and made one through the process of marriage of opposites and transformation, the person is able to manifest a greater potential of mind as the infinite levels of paradoxical conflict is overcome through the process of union-marriage through the third force which makes the two one -- level by level -- step by step. And in the same way that I often use electricity to portray the mind, we can in like manner use a magnet to demonstrate this higher reality. The only difference between a bar of iron and a magnet, is that in a magnet each of the molecules have been aligned so that each north/south (positive/negative) is aligned in the same direction. This is accomplished by passing the bar of iron which exists in a state of chaos and confusion -- i.e., positive/negative all canceling each other out through their haphazard positioning (conflict of energy flow) -- through a strong magnetic/electrical field that forces each molecule to align and function together.
The vast majority of people are as the bar of iron because of the mental confusion that exists within the mind. When you place the 12 spheres of the Tree of Life within the body, and then divide and move these spheres out into their infinite lower levels of expression through nature, and you permit each lower level to exist in a divided state because of ignorance, confusion and conflict, then you have a physical body/mind that exists as a bar of iron where each element of the divided state cancels out the potential of power (of mind ) because each of the molecules which represent an individual aspect in the lower realities of mind, are in a state of disarray. Such things as Chiropractic, deep massage, yoga, polarity and the great variety of holistic healing that are often associated with the New Age, are intended to restore the flow of vital life-force through the body mind by aligning the cells of the body. The problem is that because the pattern of mind is not embraced -- and the higher knowledge that raises up the third force in the endeavor to merge the paradoxical opposites at each level is not taught and embraced through the process of walking in TheWay -- the result of these holistic healings is basically only on a physical level. The more advanced spiritual teachers/guides usually immerse their disciples in a threefold wholistic experience that integrates body, mind and spirit in a constant upward movement. But to even begin to accomplish this, it is necessary to change the lifestyle -- rather than attend philosophical lectures of church programs. All of the person's life must be turned about as the walk in TheWay -- i.e., every thought captured to Messiah/Christ -- the mind held in constant attunement to higher reality -- and the flesh (lower nature) must be transformed. What this means is that Heaven and Earth must be made One through the process of becoming the Son of Man -- or the Spiritual Offspring that is born from the divided natures of mankind and returns as the prodigal son to the Most High God.
Who Are We?
What Are We?
From Where Did We Come?
What Is Our Ultimate Destiny?
To the demise of those who read these words, only a handful of people today can answer these all-important crucial questions correctly! The rest dwell under the cloud of unknowing -- and if you think you are the person whose reflection you see in the mirror, then you are a stranger to your true self and have made yourself part of the illusion of this world. With great wisdom Yeshua/Jesus is quoted in The Books of the Savior, also known as Pistis Sophia (Faith-Wisdom): "Do not cease seeking day or night, and do not let yourselves relax until you have found all the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, which will purify you and make you into Pure Light and lead you into the Kingdom of Light."
When the first century Christian
Justin Martyr quoted the 82nd chapter of Psalms from his scriptures,
the sacred writings that he used did not read as ours does today. “God standeth in the
congregation of gods”, Justin wrote, I said, Ye are gods, and are all
children of the Most High. But ye
die like men...” (Dialogue of Justin).
In addition to Justin, this verse is also found translated in this same
manner in the works of Tertullian, Origen and Cyprian.
Thus, we have the witness of four of the earliest of Christians that
“God standeth in the congregation of gods”,
when the scriptures are speaking about us.
great truth that has been continually expressed by both Jewish and Christian
visionaries is that the knowledge
of the mysteries of God and the Divine Plan begins with the knowledge of
ourselves as the Prodigal Sons of our Heavenly Father.
It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of
Alexandria said that it is “…the
greatest of all lessons to know one's self.
For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be
made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”.
In his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory
writes that “the
Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its
original form’”, and
states that there will come a time “…when
the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the first man to
the last”.
The reason these great truths are no longer the focus of the modern church is best captured in the words of A. Powell Davies: “Biblical scholars”, he writes, ”were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls). What Davies was referring to was the fact that the Church of Constantine so altered the focus of the teachings of the New Covenant, that what we call Christianity today has its doctrinal legacy of birth in the fourth century, and has little in common with the religion that the Son of God revealed to man at the beginning of our Common Era.
the 4th century church of Constantine that declared Jesus to be God, the
original disciples and first followers of Jesus saw him as a man who lives such
a holy and consecrated life (see Ebionite
HomePage), that he
became At-One with God -- and thus became the Divine Pattern that all men must
emulate. Their view of him
was that he was the firstborn -- or the first resurrected to the Kingdom -- the
first of the prodigal sons to return home from among us, his brothers.
This is especially seen in the words of the Lord where he said: “For
whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my
brother, and sister, and mother”
(Matt 12:50 KJV).
is plain in the scriptures that Jesus is “a
pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting”
(1 Tim 1:16 KJV). A pattern
is not something that you casually believe in -- but rather, something that you
mold your life after. Moreover,
if Jesus is the pattern, then Jesus is the very standard by which all men are to
be judged. Why?
Because if Jesus was able to perfect himself, and be resurrected into the
Kingdom, then all our excuses for leading carnal and immoral lives are without
merit -- i.e., because this same standard would then be expected of us -- the
Lord's brothers and sisters.
Apostle tells us: “Therefore
be imitators of God, as beloved children”
(Eph 5:1 NAS). If we were
created as inferior beings who were nothing more than the natural offspring of
Adam and Eve, as Christians believe today, then the Apostle would never have
told a race of inferior beings to imitate God.
The basis of Paul's words is seen in the fact that man is created in the
image and likeness of God, and is God's own offspring.
If we were inferior beings, neither would God command us: “ye
shall therefore be holy, for I am holy”
(Lev 11:45 KJV), if we did not possess this innate ability.
What is written here is no different than what St. Gregory said when he
wrote that we must walk the “path
of an exact imitation of Him Who leads the way to salvation”
-- which path in the words of St. Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature and
makes “us like God”.
When a child becomes an adult, is he inferior to his parent? In like manner, when the prodigal son returns home to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination, and matures to his full spiritual potential and stature, is he inferior to his father? What is important is for us to realize that we do not know our true potential, and neither do we understand the process that gives us the ability to “imitate God”, and makes us “like God”. The undeniable Christian Truth that no one who claims to be a believer should deny, is that we don't know the answer to these questions. How can we? As Christians, we have faith that Jesus meant what he said when he promised that he would teach us -- and reveal to us all the Mysteries of God -- if we become his faithful disciple.
great truth is seen in Origen's reply to Celsus where he wrote: “By
participation in the Son of God one is adopted as a son…
by participation in the Holy Spirit is a man rendered holy and
Those who have not themselves yet uncovered their true spiritual nature
as the Sons and Daughters of God, perceive sacred truths in forms, types, and
allegories -- because they, being carnal, the “cannot
comprehend” the
mysteries of God that awaits them. When
God, in the words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an “object
of wonder”, but rather
an “object of desire”
-- and we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this world, make
ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit, according to St.
Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this manifest
Sacred Knowledge makes “us
like God; so that when we have thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold
expression, hold converse with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps
to the same extent as He already knows those who are known to Him”.
St. Nazianzen then writes that “the
Divine Nature then is boundless and hard to understand”
by those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of this world.
among us has attained to such a level of Godliness that God will “converse
with us as Gods”?
It is for this reason that Origen admits that the disciple of Christ
knows full well that growing to spiritual maturity is not a simple chore.
In the same way that a man cannot grow to maturity in the cycle of a day,
neither can the soul grow to its Godly potential in the cycle of one lifetime.
In the same way that a child grows to a man in steps, Jesus taught (see The
Unanswerable Question) the soul has transmigrated and inhabited many bodies
of flesh in its quest for this necessary level of Godliness.
It is also the true disciple of Christ who knows that the Lord Jesus came
to save us from our fate of being lost in this world -- in subjection to the
Law, ever reincarnating in useless lives of suffering and spiritual depravation
-- but carnal man, refusing to follow in Jesus' footsteps, continually chooses
the darkness of this world over the Light of the kingdom.
question the modern believer must ask is this: Do you truly believe the words of
our Lord when He said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 NIV)?
If you believe these words, then you have only one option: You must be
ready to cast off the manmade doctrines of error that have become infused into
modern Christianity, and become a genuine disciple of the Light.
If you truly believe, then you must begin your search for the real Jesus.
The true Christians are not those who believe in the antichrist of
Constantine or the very carnal and Pagan doctrines of the Roman Church -- but
rather, those who realize that they must have Jesus of Nazareth, and no other.
True Christians know that it is not enough to believe, they must believe
the Truth -- which Truth can only be received directly from the Lord.
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If you are in search of Spiritual Truth
Then Join our Nazirene Disciple of TheWay Discussion Group
The below web sites are written in the name of Allan Cronshaw, which is my birth name in this present life. The manner in which these other web sites are composed is very different than on this one -- wherein, on these other web sites there is an attempt to document and demonstrate every proof and concept of TheWay using a multitude of resources and biblical verses -- while on this web site there is no other authority than Jacob writing to you as the Brother Of Yeshua who was the leader of the Hebrew/Christian Ebionite/Nazirene movement of TheWay. In the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas it is written: (12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being." So to once again restore the teachings of TheWay which is today known as Christianity, the Lord has sent Jacob/James, the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus, back into the world in order to guide the faithful flock into the Truth, the Light, and the Kingdom within (Luke 17:20-21). It is there that my brother Yeshua/Jesus awaits you.
The above warning with respect to the predicted corruption of Yeshua's teachings is further stated in the first century writings known today as the Clementine Recognitions where it is written: "Our Lord and Prophet, who hath sent us, declared to us that the wicked one, having disputed with Him forty days, and having prevailed nothing against Him, promised that he would send apostles from amongst his subjects, to deceive. Wherefore, above all, remember to shun apostle or teacher or prophet who does not first accurately compare his preaching with that of James, who was called the brother of my Lord, and to whom was entrusted to administer the church of the Hebrews in Jerusalem, — and that even though he come to you with witnesses: lest the wickedness which disputed forty days with the Lord, and prevailed nothing, should afterwards, like lightning falling from heaven upon the earth, send a preacher to your injury, as now he has sent Simon upon us, preaching, under pretense of the truth, in the name of the Lord, and sowing error. Wherefore He who hath sent us, said, ‘Many shall come to me in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them.’"
Again it is warned by Clement: "Wherefore observe the greatest caution, that you believe no teacher, unless he bring from Jerusalem the testimonial of James the Lord’s brother, or of whosoever may come after him. For no one, unless he has gone up thither, and there has been approved as a fit and faithful teacher for preaching the word of Christ, — unless, I say, he brings a testimonial thence, is by any means to be received. But let neither prophet nor apostle be looked for by you at this time, besides us. For there is one true Prophet, whose words we twelve apostles preach"
As predicted, the ministers of Satan have succeeded in altering the teachings of my brother Yeshua, and continue to lead many into the abyss of darkness. But have no fear my brothers and sisters, for the teachings of TheWay has been restored so that you might be able to overcome the darkness, and enter the Kingdom of Light within you (Luke 17:20-21).
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The Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus: 2000 years ago I lived as Jacob who many all James, and I was known as the Brother of Yeshua and the first leader of the New Covenant movement of TheWay which is today known as Christianity. I was sent back into the world to restore the teachings of my brother Yeshua to their original spiritual essence, and to guide you in TheWay that is "narrow" so you will be able to open the "strait gate" within you and enter the Kingdom that Yeshua declared must be attained through the second birth. |
The Ebionite HomePage: If you call yourself a Christian, Jew, Messianic believer, Evyonim, Nazarene or Muslim, then it is imperative that you learn of the Ebionites who are True Spiritual Israel -- They are the Poor Ones to the ways and thinking of this world -- The Ebionites were the Israelites of the Nazirene Vow They are/were the Genuine Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus who are in the world and not of it! |
The Gate Of Eden: Why were the Disciples and followers of Yeshua vegetarian? Why did they live in accordance with the precepts of the Torah/Law? Why did they live separate and apart from both Jews and Christians? The answer is very simple: The Gate of Eden is within us, and if we fail to enter therein while we are still physically alive in the body, we will have failed in our opportunity to enter into Life. And while it can be countered that we are saved by our belief in Messiah/Christ, faith, or the blood of the lamb, the truth is that if we were truly faithful disciples of TheWay, that we would experience the opening of the inner door and the Kingdom coming within us. The GateOfEden article explores all aspects of the need to pick up one's own cross and follow the narrow path that leads to the inner gate to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination. |
The Nazirene HomePage: The original spiritual teachings of Yeshua/Jesus as practiced by the people of The Way who where known historically as the Essenes, Ebionites, and Nazirenes. The teachings of The Way are Spiritual -- and provide a means to open the "strait gate" into the Kingdom while still physically alive in the body/vessel. |
The Light Of Yeshua -- The Messianic Nazirene Disciple of TheWay: While many teach that believers are saved by faith, the journey of the disciple of Yeshua is one of absolute dedication to The Way. The disciple who becomes a brother to Yeshua must live as he lived, and become a Nazirene who is consecrated and wholly set apart as they walk the Narrow Way, enter into the Kingdom through the Strait Gate, and learn directly from the L-rd -- the One Rabbi and Teacher of the Mysteries of G-d. |
TheWay of the Nazirene Rings HomePage: This is the Ring Home page of TheWay of the Nazirene. It will provide you with a listing of all the Nazirene Rings, and a brief description of the importance of walking in The Way and entering the Kingdom of God before physical death occurs. Come visit and learn the essence of the teachings of Jesus/Yeshua that were lost by the institutionalized church. |
The Long Island Mystic and Nazirene Disciple of TheWay: The Organizational HomePage of The Nazirene -- the Long Island Mystic, Evangelical Minister, and Prophet of TheWay -- who God bestowed upon him the gift of the recall of his previous life as a Disciple and Brother of Messiah/Christ -- and thus has re-entered this world at the present time in order to restore the Spiritual Essence and Teachings of his Master, Yeshua/Jesus. The Kingdom is within! And we must sojourn the narrow path of TheWay, enter the "strait gate" to the Inner Spiritual Temple, while still alive in the physical body. Thus, modern Christians have misunderstood the words of Yeshua -- he never said that we must physically die to enter the Edenic Kingdom of Origination -- but rather, we must die to the culture, mindset and ways of this world in order to enter the Kingdom! |